Humaidan praises "Invita Bahrain" for employing Bahrainis

As part of a series of visits to companies and institutions supporting the Ministry's initiatives and programs in the field of employing national cadres and the high rates of Bahrainisation, H.E. Mr. Jameel bin Mohammed Ali Humaidan, Minister of Labour, paid a visit to Invita Bahrain, where he met with Dr. Adel Abdulla Salem, Chairman of the Board of Directors and a number of company officials. It is a known fact that ministry is intensifying its efforts towards integrating citizens into specific sectors and providing them with skills to fill jobs and professions created in the labour market, including the fields of information technology and supporting professions. Invita Bahrain is one of those companies working in the field of business processing, management and operation of call centers, customer relationship management services, information technology, infrastructure development, application and network development, and social media management. In the course of his visit, Humaidan was briefed on the company's efforts in employing Bahrainis, as the company employs (402) employees, including (342) Bahrainis. His Excellency also listened to a number of successful experiences narrated by Bahraini employees who progressed up the career ladder to the company's administrative leaders. The Minister of Labour also toured various departments and sections and met with a number of employees, where he listened to their opinions and practical experiences. Humaidan praised the company's experience and overcoming the Bahrainisation rates established for this type of economic activity, which reflects the management's confidence in national cadres, and the culmination of the government's efforts to qualify citizens for attractive qualitative sectors by providing professional training that keeps pace with technological developments in the labour market to facilitate the employment of citizens and accelerate their integration into the private sector. He also referred to the incentives provided to employers and employees to make citizens the first choice in the labor market, indicating that the Ministry of Labour continues to develop partnerships with the private sector and launch more initiatives to accelerate the pace of employment. For his part, Salem praised the efforts made by the Ministry of Labour in providing the private sector with qualified citizens and the incentives provided by the government in this regard. Among the most prominent of them is supporting the wages of national workers who have proven their worth in various work sites, and they are the real capital for the sustainability of growth and productivity in the facility.

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