Minister of Labour receives the President of the Bahrain Society of Engineers

His Excellency Mr. Jameel bin Mohammed Ali Humaidan, Minister of Labour, praised the efforts and initiatives of the Bahrain Society of Engineers, which are in the best interests of national cadres working in the field of engineering at various levels. The minister stressed the importance of the role of professional associations in providing professional opinion and constructive cooperation with the government in order to achieve comprehensive development efforts in the country. During his meeting with the President of the Bahrain Society of Engineers, Dr. Eng. Raida Al-Alawi, accompanied by members of the society, Humaidan expressed the importance of newly graduated Bahraini engineers acquiring the practical experiences and skills necessary to practice work in accordance with the requirements of the profession. bIn the same context, His Excellency also referred to the fruitful and constructive cooperation that took place earlier between the Society and the Ministry in a number of specialized training programs, which resulted in the employment of a group of job seekers in this sector. He also pointed to the importance of continuing fruitful cooperation to enhance the capabilities of consulting engineering offices, which provide more qualitative opportunities for citizens and the integration of national cadres in them. In the same context, His Excellency stressed the ministry’s support for such national initiatives, especially with the presence of engineering graduates who are job seekers on the official lists. During the meeting, they also discussed many ideas and initiatives aimed at integrating Bahraini engineers into the labour market, within the framework of joint national efforts to make citizens the first choice in employment. For her part, Al-Alawi appreciated the efforts of the Ministry of Labour in supporting the programs and initiatives of the association, which contributed to enhancing training and employment opportunities for engineers. She expressed society’s keenness to continue constructive cooperation with the Ministry and all relevant government agencies to achieve common national interests.

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