Labour Minister opened "Career Day" at the Arab Open University

His Excellency Mr. Jameel bin Mohammed Ali Humaidan, Minister of Labour, inaugurated the “Careers Day” that was organised by the Arab Open University, on Wednesday, in the presence of Dr. Ghurmallah bin Abdulla Al-Ghamdi, President of the University in the Kingdom of Bahrain, and the administrative and educational staff of the University. Also, amongst the attendees were a number of officials in the ministry, with the participation of many institutions and companies in the private sector. The “Careers Day” aims to introduce university students and graduates to the types of professional sectors that suit their specialisations, gain experience in how to apply for jobs, prepare CVs and train to pass job interviews. The “Careers Day” included accompanying activities, including awareness and guidance meetings for the target group, under the title "Be Ready - Qualification Skills" to introduce university students to the basic professional skills required in the labour market. Humaidan toured the booths of the participating parties in the exhibition and was briefed on the graduation projects of a number of university students and the mechanisms of their application and adoption by relevant companies and institutions. In a statement on this occasion, Humaidan praised the efforts taken by the Arab Open University to organise and hold this exhibition. His Excellency also pointed to the importance of this exhibition and everything that it adds to the national efforts in preparing university students to choose scientific tracks that contribute to accelerating their integration into the labour market. His Excellency also indicated to the necessity of students enhancing their professional skills needed by the labour market to achieve this goal, noting the joint cooperation between the Ministry of Labour and the relevant authorities, foremost of which are the Ministry of Education, the Education and Training Quality Authority, in addition to the Labour Fund (Tamkeen) in implementing many initiatives aimed at making Bahrainis the first choice in the labour market. In the same context, the minister referred to the contribution of educational and training institutions in intensifying the guidance and guidance of students towards choosing the best career paths. In turn, Al-Ghamdi stressed the keenness of the Arab Open University to hold the Careers Day, which is the window through which university students are informed about the job opportunities provided by the labour market, whilst praising the support of the Minister of Labour for such events, which reflect the interest in qualifying university graduates and preparing them for various jobs and specialisations in the labour market. In this regard, he highlighted the university's support for the efforts to prepare citizens for the labour market through its qualitative initiative implemented since 2020 by providing specialised training programs to qualify Bahraini competencies according to the needs of employers.

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