LMRA supports market development initiatives and strengthens partnership with the private sector

H.E. Mr. Jameel bin Mohammed Ali Humaidan, Minister of Labour and Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Labour Market Regulatory Authority, underlined the importance of continuing efforts towards developing mechanisms and procedures that contribute to enhancing the labour market environment. This is in accordance with a system that preserves the rights of all parties, ensures its stability and competitiveness, and responds to the changing market requirements, in a way that preserves the Kingdom of Bahrain's leadership and attractiveness for investment and capital. This came as part of his chairmanship of the seventh meeting of the fourth session of the Board of Directors of the Labour Market Regulatory Authority, via remote video conference, in the presence of members of the board and H.E. Mrs. Noof Abdulrahman Jamsheer, CEO of the Labour Market Regulatory Authority. During the meeting, Humaidan expressed the support of the board for the efforts of the executive management in supporting the enhancement and development of the labour market environment, which is reflected in the security and stability of society. Humaidan praised the results of intensifying visits and inspection campaigns carried out by the LMRA, in coordination with the relevant government agencies, foremost of which is, the Ministry of Interior in its various agencies. These campaigns were initiated in order to consolidate necessary measures to tighten dealing with violators aimed to achieve the government's objectives to address irregular employment, in parallel with the implementation of awareness campaigns for workers on the laws and regulations in force in the Kingdom of Bahrain. For her part, Her Excellency Mrs. Noof Abdulrahman Jamsheer, CEO of the Labour Market Regulatory Authority, presented a report on the efforts and programs of the Authority and the results that have been achieved and are being implemented, with the aim of achieving the highest levels of service provided to citizens and residents. One of the most prominent of these initiatives is the Wages Protection System, which verifies the payment of all wages of Bahraini and expatriate workers electronically, which helps enhance transparency, the importance of monitoring, as well as reducing labour disputes. She also pointed out that work is underway to develop the Wages Protection System and link it to the Expatriate Labour Management System (EMS). The Chief Executive Officer of the LMRA reviewed the results of the implementation of the employment registration system, which aims to eliminate the negative social and economic impacts of irregular employment in the labour market according to a close partnership mechanism with the private sector. Jamsheer also presented an insight on the importance of ensuring the role of registration centers on the legal status of workers wishing to obtain a permit and referring their applications to the authority, in addition to verifying the availability of professional qualifications or training to obtain the necessary certificates to practice the required profession. At the same time, she pointed out the relevance of the worker's card, which contains all the information and data related to the worker and his/her qualifications, which on the one hand will help the employer to identify the capabilities of the worker and verify his/her legal status. Jamsheer also highly appreciated the success of the Labour Market Regulatory Authority in passing the external audit of the (ISO 9001-2015 Certificate in the Management of Quality Systems) in all its sectors, while achieving all the requirements of the certificate by applying the actual and accurate quality principles according to international standards. Similarily, the members of the Board of Directors of the Labour Market Regulatory Authority expressed their support and appreciation for the efforts made by the Executive Management of the Authority, in implementing projects and programs that aim to facilitate procedures for employers and customers and contribute to meeting the needs of the labour market and preserving the rights of its parties. They also called for continuing the daily inspection campaigns and visits, together with strengthening efforts to maintain the work environment and productivity.

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