Media Reps on a Visit to Labour Ministry briefed on Jobseekers’ Services

A number of media professionals and representatives of the local press visited the Ministry of Labour and were briefed on the programs and services provided by the ministry to citizens in the fields of rehabilitation and employment, on the unemployment benefit system, and the efforts made to strengthen the partnership between the public and private sectors within the framework of the economic recovery plan. The delegation met with a number of officials at the ministry, who gave them a detailed explanation on the procedures, requirements and stages that the jobseeker goes through starting with the registration stage, followed by the evaluation and guidance stage and ending with three levels of training. The review provided information about the specialised training programs, a reaffirmation of commitment of training along with employment (“daman”/assurance), on-the-job training (“forus”/opportunities). Next the delegation was briefed on the employment and follow-up phase that focus on the employment conditions of the citizens working in private sector establishments. This stage aims to ensure the provision of an ideal working environment that helps enhance workers’ growth and productivity, security of labour rights; whilst bearing in mind, the social protection provided by the unemployment benefit system in the Kingdom of Bahrain. All these services are provided by the ministry via its website:

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