خدمة التصديق على لوائح وأنظمة الجزاءات لأصحاب العمل

This service is provided to the clients in person, to the worker or the business owner at the Arbitration and Labour Consultancy offices to solve all rights and obligations stipulated in the law, whether he/she is a worker or an employer.
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    3 Work Days
    No Fees

    1. The statements and requests should be in Arabic.
    2. The data must be submitted in two copies, each copy stamped and signed by the employer or his representative.
    3. Attach the commercial register of the applicant.
    4. In the event that the applicant is not the employer, the applicant’s personal number must be indicated.



    1. Personal number and a copy of the applicant's original valid ID card (CPR).

    2. Applicant contact numbers.


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