End of "Work Ban Decision" with the compliance of 99.92%

HE Minister of Labour Jameel bin Mohammed Ali Humaidan affirmed that the Kingdom of Bahrain, under the leadership of HM King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, and the close follow-up of HRH Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, Crown Prince and Prime Minister, is keen to strengthen the human rights system and protect workers within a safe and sustainable work environment that reflects the civilized face of the Kingdom and its leadership in developing safe measures to protect the workforce in various productive sectors. This is reflected in the sustainability of growth while preserving the dignity of workers and the continuous improvement of the working environment conditions in accordance with the standards of the International Labour Organization. On the completion period of Ministerial Resolution No. (3) of 2013, regarding the prohibition of work under direct sunlight and in open places, from 12 noon to 4pm in July and August, the Labour Minister indicated that the high percentage compliance witnessed this year has reached 99.92% Humaidan explained that the continued remarkable compliance to the work ban decision reflects the keenness of establishments to implement public policies that ensure the reduction of occupational injuries and diseases, which is confirmed by the positive results achieved thanks to the cooperation of employers and workers. The figures indicated that the number of violating employers reached (21723) only, while the number of violating workers reached (16) workers and the number of visits carried out by the ministry reached (31) inspection visits within the framework of its supervision of the implementation of the decision. In this context, the minister stressed the importance of the results achieved following the commitment to this decision at the humanitarian level that preserves the safety of the worker from injuries and diseases. He also pointed to the importance of maintaining the level of enhancing productivity by reorganising working times to serve the production process and in a way that does not affect the progress of work on time. The Minister of Labour thanked the employers who were keen to adhere to the implementation of the aforementioned decision, which contributed to the decrease in the number of injuries resulting from cases of heat stress, sunstroke and other summer diseases. He also referred to the high levels of productivity of facilities attributable to securing appropriate working conditions that lead to the efficiency of operations during this period of the year, which witnesses a significant rise in temperatures and humidity, pointing to the role of the decision in maintaining the safety and health of the workforce. This commitment was achieved within the framework of a system of national legislation that is subject to continuous review and update, in line with international standards and specifications for safety and health in the workplace. The Ministry of Labour has carried out inspection campaigns to ensure the work ban decision of the aforementioned decision. All the violations that were apprehended have been referred to the Public Prosecution to take legal action, in accordance with Article (192) of the Labour Law in the Private Sector promulgated by Law No. (36) of 2012, which stipulates that "anyone who violates any of the provisions of Chapter (15) violates the provisions of this decision shall be punished by the penalties stipulated in Article (192) of the Labour Law in the Private Sector promulgated by Law No. (36) of 2012, which stipulates that anyone who violates any of the provisions of Chapter (15) and the decisions issued in implementation thereof shall be punished by imprisonment for a period not exceeding three months and a fine of not less than BD500 and not more than BD1000, or one of these two penalties. "

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