Humaidan tours worksites to affirm proper implementation of noontime work ban

H.E. Mr. Jameel bin Mohammed Ali Humaidan, Minister of Labour, praised the commitment of companies and institutions to implement Ministerial Resolution No. (3) of 2013 regarding the prohibition of working under direct sunlight and in open places during the afternoon from 12 noon to 4 pm in July and August every year. This decision reflects the humanitarian and national responsibility enjoyed by employers in its implementation, indicating Bahrain's keenness to preserve human rights and provide a safe environment from dangers, especially in the summer when temperatures and humidity levels rise to high levels that affect the health and safety of workers. This came during the surprise on-site visit carried out by H.E. the Labour Minister to a number of work sites, on Thursday afternoon, to see directly the extent of the commitment of private sector establishments to implement the decision. The minister met with several worksite supervisors and was briefed on the measures taken by their establishments to ensure full compliance with the prohibition of working under direct sunlight and in open placesin, so as to ensure a safe and secure work environment to protect workers. Humaidan stressed that the decision is one of the important legislations that involve humanitarian and economic dimensions, especially as it contributes to increasing the pace of productivity. He pointed out the importance of establishments rescheduling working hours at this time of each year so that the projects they implement are not late for their completion date and according to schedule. He also pointed out that protecting workers and ensuring their health and safety are among the priorities that the ministry is keen to pay attention to. After that, he focused on the importance of improving the efficiency and means of prevention to reduce occupational injuries, heat stress, heat stroke and other summer diseases, during this period of the year, in addition to enhancing the training of workers on first aid and other training programs for occupational safety and health. The ministerial decision on the labour ban stipulates that "anyone who violates the provisions of this decision shall be punished by the penalties stipulated in Article (192) of the Civil Labour Law promulgated by Law No. (36) of 2012, which stipulates that anyone who violates any of the provisions of Chapter (15) and the decisions issued in implementation thereof shall be punished by imprisonment for a period not exceeding three months and a fine of not less than BD500 and not more than BD1000, or one of these two penalties. "

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