Minister of Labour delivers Bahrain’s speech before the ILO Conference

HE Jameel bin Mohammed Ali Humaidan, Minister of Labour and Chairman of the Labour Market Regulatory Authority (LMRA), stressed that social justice, improving the standard of living and promoting social dialogue are an integral part of the reform project launched by HM King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, and under the close follow-up of HRH Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, Crown Prince and Prime Minister. In addition to the lofty principles of social justice and the achievement of the highest levels of social solidarity for citizens contained in the Constitution of the Kingdom of Bahrain. This came in a speech delivered by the Kingdom of Bahrain by HE the Minister of Labour before the 111th session of the International Labour Conference, held in Geneva, Switzerland, from 4 to 16 June 2023. In translation of these lofty principles of social justice, Humaidan pointed out that the Government of the Kingdom of Bahrain is implementing a series of well-studied policies and programs directed in particular to the lowest income groups and the most in need of support, most notably the unemployment insurance system, the wage support and improvement program, the subsidy of goods and services, and financial support for needy groups, which are initiatives aimed at providing an integrated system of social protection in the Kingdom. In his speech, Humaidan stressed that Bahrain is proud of its achievements in promoting social protection and achieving its fair contents, as well as its comprehensive initiatives to combat discrimination in employment, and combat forced labour and human trafficking. The Kingdom is also proud of its experience in promoting trade union freedoms and the advanced levels of cooperation achieved between the social partners in accordance with the principles of constructive dialogue aimed at protecting workers' rights and gains in a manner that does not prejudice the interests of employers. In this context, HE the Minister of Labour pointed out that the results achieved in facing the effects of the Corona pandemic on the labour market in Bahrain are the best evidence of this success. He accentuated that the government worked alongside workers and employers through continuous tripartite coordination in implementing health, financial and social support initiatives to address the negative repercussions of the pandemic at the social and economic levels. The Kingdom has provided a model to be followed in the field of labour market stability and unemployment rates and maintaining a productive labour force away from layoffs and job losses during difficult exceptional circumstances, as well as working to attract more investments and projects for the success and sustainability of development plans. During his speech, HE Mr. Jameel bin Mohammed Ali Humaidan praised the report of Mr. Gilbert F. Houngbo, Director-General of the International Labour Organization, as it addresses a very important topic at this particular time, namely social justice. This report comes in light of what many countries have made in the field of human development and the preservation of human rights through the promotion of the human and practical dimensions of social justice. Among the most important of these rights are the promotion of equal opportunities among the various segments of society and the equitable distribution of income, as well as the strengthening of the education, health care and social security systems.

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