Labour Minister in an open meeting on the "Future Betting" Program
H.E. Mr. Jameel bin Mohammed Ali Humaidan, Minister of Labour, pointed to the pivotal role of youth in the development policies pursued by the Kingdom of Bahrain under the leadership of HM King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, and the follow-up of HRH Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, Crown Prince and Prime Minister, towards empowering Bahraini youth and giving them more quality opportunities in the labour market. The aim is to enhance the role of youth in the comprehensive development process witnessed by Bahrain in this prosperous era, as youth are the main pillar in this march and bet on it to continue building and preserving national gains and achievements. This came during the open meeting of His Excellency the Minister of Labour with a group of Bahraini youth participating in the second phase of the "Future Bet" program. The discussion is organised by the Bahrain Institute for Political Development in cooperation with the Ministry of Labor, on Wednesday in the main hall of the ministry building. Humaidan expressed his thanks to the Bahrain Institute for Political Development for this qualitative initiative that enhances communication between Bahraini youth and officials. This initiative aims to exchange ideas and visions on the aspirations of young people and the public policies implemented by the government that give them priority as a workforce contributing to the progress of the Kingdom. Humaidan emphasised the importance of informing Bahraini youth about the development paths witnessed by Bahrain to sustain growth in various fields, foremost of which is the labour market, and to benefit from the energies, skills and academic qualifications of young people in promoting this process. The minister reviewed the efforts to develop the labour market and create the appropriate and attractive environment for young people, and the tireless efforts towards attracting more investments that generate more promising job opportunities for citizens. He also indicated that the Ministry of Labour is working in partnership with the Labour Market Regulatory Authority and the Labour Fund (Tamkeen), especially with regard to qualifying and integrating citizens into private sector establishments. This partnership is in line with the government's program for the years 2023-2026 and the Economic Recovery Plan 2021-2024, which includes five main initiatives, foremost of which is the initiative to create promising job opportunities to make Bahrainis the first choice in the labour market, which aims to employ 20,000 and train 10,000 job seekers annually until 2024, and the National Labour Market Plan 2023-2026. The Labour Minister touched on the programs and projects implemented by the ministry to accelerate the pace of employment and rehabilitate citizens to integrate them into the labour market through advanced professional training, granting incentives and benefits to job seekers and employers. This is carried out through free training and rehabilitation, supporting the wages of the national workforce, as well as strengthening social protection for job seekers via the unemployment benefit system. After that, Humaidan called on the young participants to select university specialisation required in the labour market by visiting the ministry’s website to learn about the latest labour-related services. Thereon, the minister said the ministry has succeeded in finding solutions for job-seekers who confront employment difficulties. The participating youth expressed their thanks for all the efforts made by the ministry in rehabilitating and employing citizens in the labour market, which reflects the government's continuous keenness in ensuring quality opportunities for the job seekers to start a promising career in various productive sectors, including future jobs. The participants also put forward ideas and proposals that enhance the success of policies to integrate Bahraini youth in private sector enterprises. This session comes within the second phase of the Future Betting Program. Where the first phase came by providing a number of training courses and workshops on various topics related to politics, economics and human rights values, in addition to some leadership and media skills to develop the participating youth. The second phase (current) includes a number of panel discussions between participants with some ministers and officials in the state to discuss various topics. The program will conclude with the third phase later, which is the "Creative Proposals and Initiatives" phase. In the next phase participants will be divided into several groups in order to present creative proposals and initiatives to promote societal national values and raise political awareness.
Labour Minister chairs LMRA’s Board of Directors meeting
Under the chairmanship of H.E. Mr. Jameel bin Mohammed Ali Humaidan, Minister of Labour and Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Labour Market Regulatory Authority, chaired LMRA’s Board of Directors meeting, in the presence of Ms. Nouf Abdul Rahman Jamsheer, CEO of the Authority and other board members. Humaidan affirmed the need to intensify work that links the programs and plans of the LMRA to the National Labour Market Plan 2023-2026. This mission aims to develop the labour market, ensure its growth and stability, enhance economic competitiveness and attract foreign direct investment, thus contributing to the creation of more sustainable job opportunities for citizens. On this occasion, the minister stressed the importance of continuing work at a higher pace to keep up with the developments and changes in the labour market to meet its needs in response to the development plans of the Kingdom of Bahrain, particularly in view of the economic recovery plan, and the Kingdom's economic vision that aims to achieve competitiveness, justice and sustainability. He also pointed to the continuation of efforts to achieve control in the labour market through extensive campaigns and inspection visits to various market entities and places where workers gather in various governorates, in cooperation with the relevant government agencies, especially the Ministry of Interior. The Board of Directors reviewed and approved the audited financial report for 2022, together with the annual report of the Executive Management for the same year. They also covered the estimated budget for 2023 and the authority’s future plans. For her part, H.E. Ms. Nouf Abdul Rahman Jamsheer, CEO of the Labour Market Authority, presented an integrated report on the various achievements and the level of development of services provided to citizens, employers and workers. She also talked about the efforts and programs of the authority, the results achieved during the first half of 2023 and the priority projects. Jamsheer discussed the signing of a memorandum of understanding between the Labour Market Regulatory Authority and the Social Insurance Organization on the wages of workers in the private sector. This MoU aims to ensure the validity of data related to real and actual wages of workers in the private sector, review and match all wages paid with the insured wage, and alert employers about salary differences in both sides. The LMRA’s CEO also pointed out that the development of the Wages Protection System helps to establish a feature to "update employees' wages" and a feature to "pay wages" in the expatriate labour system, in cooperation with the banking sector. Accordingly, all employers will be obligated to pay workers' wages through the expatriate labour system, provided that the authority's role is limited to passing the request for payment of wages to banks. She indicated that these two steps contribute to verifying the employer's commitment to pay workers' wages on time.
Humaidan tours worksites to affirm proper implementation of noontime work ban
H.E. Mr. Jameel bin Mohammed Ali Humaidan, Minister of Labour, praised the commitment of companies and institutions to implement Ministerial Resolution No. (3) of 2013 regarding the prohibition of working under direct sunlight and in open places during the afternoon from 12 noon to 4 pm in July and August every year. This decision reflects the humanitarian and national responsibility enjoyed by employers in its implementation, indicating Bahrain's keenness to preserve human rights and provide a safe environment from dangers, especially in the summer when temperatures and humidity levels rise to high levels that affect the health and safety of workers. This came during the surprise on-site visit carried out by H.E. the Labour Minister to a number of work sites, on Thursday afternoon, to see directly the extent of the commitment of private sector establishments to implement the decision. The minister met with several worksite supervisors and was briefed on the measures taken by their establishments to ensure full compliance with the prohibition of working under direct sunlight and in open placesin, so as to ensure a safe and secure work environment to protect workers. Humaidan stressed that the decision is one of the important legislations that involve humanitarian and economic dimensions, especially as it contributes to increasing the pace of productivity. He pointed out the importance of establishments rescheduling working hours at this time of each year so that the projects they implement are not late for their completion date and according to schedule. He also pointed out that protecting workers and ensuring their health and safety are among the priorities that the ministry is keen to pay attention to. After that, he focused on the importance of improving the efficiency and means of prevention to reduce occupational injuries, heat stress, heat stroke and other summer diseases, during this period of the year, in addition to enhancing the training of workers on first aid and other training programs for occupational safety and health. The ministerial decision on the labour ban stipulates that "anyone who violates the provisions of this decision shall be punished by the penalties stipulated in Article (192) of the Civil Labour Law promulgated by Law No. (36) of 2012, which stipulates that anyone who violates any of the provisions of Chapter (15) and the decisions issued in implementation thereof shall be punished by imprisonment for a period not exceeding three months and a fine of not less than BD500 and not more than BD1000, or one of these two penalties. "
Labour Minister received Chairman of Bahrain Society for Growth and Development
H.E. Mr. Jameel bin Mohammed Ali Humaidan, Minister of Labour, received Ms. Nawal Ahmed Al-Dosari, Chairman of the Bahrain Society for Growth and Development, at his office in the ministry’s headquarters. During the meeting, they discussed ways to enhance cooperation and emphasize the involvement of young job seekers, including beneficiaries of the programs and activities of the Bahrain Society for Growth and Development. Clearly, the aim behind that is to take advantage of national initiatives to support young people and improve their personal and professional capabilities in an effort to facilitate their entry into the labour market. Humaidan praised the efforts made by the Bahrain Society for Growth and Development in promoting Bahraini youth. In this context, he pointed to the ministry's readiness to enhance cooperation with civil society institutions, including the association, for the benefit of society, especially job seekers. He also called for combining the efforts to develop and improve the personal capabilities of job seekers through rehabilitation programs specialized in self-building and professional life.
Labour Minister received outgoing British Ambassador
H.E. Mr. Jameel bin Mohammed Ali Humaidan, Minister of Labour and Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Labour Market Regulatory Authority received in his office at the ministry, H.E. Mr. Roddy Drummond, Ambassador of the United Kingdom to mark the end of the Ambassador’s service in the Kingdom of Bahrain. Humaidan commended the efforts made by the British Ambassador throughout his diplomatic career in Bahrain and which, contributed to fostering bilateral relations, especially in the labour sector. After that the minister wished him further successes in his upcoming duties. For his part, the British Ambassador expressed his appreciation for the initiatives taken by the Government of the Kingdom of Bahrain in the field of regulating and developing the labour market, including the efforts to promote human and labor rights, which contributed to consolidating Bahrain's position and leading position before the international community accordingly.
Labour Minister’s message on World Day against Trafficking in Persons
H.E. Mr. Jameel bin Mohammed Ali Humaidan, Minister of Labour and Chairman of the Labour Market Regulatory Authority (LMRA) said that the Kingdom of Bahrain has made considerable progress in promoting an integrated human rights system. This achievement stems from the firm approach of HM King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, and the follow-up of HRH Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, Crown Prince and Prime Minister, in establishing the principles of human rights and preserving human dignity in order to enshrine the rule of law and public freedoms and promote the values of equality among all, foremost of which are workers' rights and combating trafficking in persons. This came in a statement by the Minister of Labour on the occasion of the Kingdom of Bahrain's celebration with the countries of the world of the World Day against Trafficking in Persons, which falls on July 30 of each year, according to a decision by the United Nations. In this context, Humaidan pointed out that the Kingdom of Bahrain has addressed the crime of trafficking in persons and has achieved global achievements in this regard by maintaining its leading position in the first category in the US State Department's report on the efforts of countries in the field of combating trafficking in persons for the sixth consecutive year. He clearly indicated that the institutional efforts in Bahrain are continuing to address this phenomenon, which the international community seeks to control and eliminate because of its flagrant violation of human rights. The minister stated that in addition to the achievements made in addressing trafficking in persons, Bahrain has implemented many initiatives and projects aimed at enhancing the protection of society from this scourge. This is evident through the adoption of the Wages Protection System, the optional insurance system for domestic workers, the flexible work permit, the tripartite contract for domestic workers and the fight against forced labour, and the establishment of a shelter that provides integrated services to persons who may be subjected to abuse or exploitation, including the provision of security protection, medical and mental health services, legal advice and providing humanitarian and financial assistance and means of support to victims of trafficking in persons through various programs. Equivalently a specialised prosecution has also been allocated for trafficking in persons and a special court has been formed for them to expedite the decision of these humanitarian cases. H.E. Mr. Jameel bin Mohammed Ali Humaidan, Minister of Labour and Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Labour Market Regulatory Authority, concluded his statement by reaffirming the continuation of translating the royal directives in consolidating noble human values in coexistence between the various components by launching more initiatives that contribute to the development of an integrated human rights system. The Minister of Labour pointed out that thanks to the wise leadership of the King, Bahrain has become praised by specialised international organisations and has become a role model in the field of care and preservation of human rights.
Meeting of the Ministry of Labour with the team supervising the committee for evaluating government service centres
The qualified team at the Ministry of Labour held a meeting with the team supervising the Government Service Centres Evaluation Committee to identify the best practices adopted by the Ministry. The meeting aims to provide the best services to customers at its headquarters and all its centres.
Labour Minister receives researcher
H.E. Mr. Jameel bin Mohammed Ali Humaidan, Minister of Labour received Mr. Qassim Jaffer Hamdan, who presented him with a copy of his dissertation in media, entitled "The Role of Visual Identity in Shaping the Reputability of Training Institutes" in the Kingdom of Bahrain. Humaidan praised the content of this academic study and its findings designed to identify the effect of the elements of reputation formation on the training institutions. The minister also commended the efforts made by the researcher in preparing this scientific research, which is an added value in the field of academic studies to improve the outputs of training institutions in Bahrain.
Humaidan praised Bahrainisation in CrediMax
H.E. Mr. Jameel bin Mohammed Ali Humaidan, Minister of Labour, affirmed the government's interest in providing sustainable job opportunities for citizens in banking and financial institutions by qualifying them and providing them with professional skills. He also pointed out that the abundance of qualified national cadres in the field of financial and banking services has contributed to strengthening the position of the Kingdom of Bahrain as a leading financial and banking center in the region. This came in a statement by H.E. the Minister of Labour during his visit to CrediMax, a company specialised in issuing credit cards in the Kingdom of Bahrain, as part of a series of visits to companies and institutions supporting the ministry’s initiatives and programs in the field of employing national cadres. During this visit, he met with Mr. Ahmed Abdul Rahman Seyadi, CEO and a number of company officials. Humaidan was briefed on the company's strategy that supports the employment of national cadres, and that the company's Bahrainisation rate is 99. 1%, thus topping the list of distinguished establishments in the field of Bahrainisation. During the visit, the minister inspected various departments and sections and met with a number of working cadres, where he listened to their opinions and professional experiences. Humaidan praised the company's experience in relying on national elements, in addition to providing an attractive work environment it provides and promising opportunities for career advancement. He also indicated that Bahrain is full of banking and financial cadres that have contributed to the advancement of this sector, pointing to the ministry's persistence to train and qualify citizens in the financing field, which constitutes an important division in the national economy. In this regard, the Labour Minister praised the success stories achieved by Bahraini taskforce in the company and their career advancement. He stressed that experiences have proven that institutions and companies with high rates of Bahrainisation are among the best establishments that achieve high rates of productivity and profitability in various sectors. For his part, Seyadi stressed that the government's support for banking and financial institutions has contributed to the growth of this sector, which generates more quality jobs and attracts Bahraini youth, with rewarding wages and promising opportunities for professional advancement. On this occasion he referred to the programs and initiatives of the Ministry of Labour in the field of employment and rehabilitation of citizens, and the provision of many incentives such as wage support and specialised training for new entrants to the labour market.
Labour Minister meets NHR President
H.E. Mr. Jameel bin Mohammed Ali Humaidan, Minister of Labour and Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Labour Market Regulatory Authority, said during his meeting with Eng. Ali Ahmed Alderazi, President of the National Institution for Human Rights (NIHR), that the Kingdom of Bahrain has succeeded in establishing an integrated system for the protection of human rights, especially workers. These achievements came thanks to the comprehensive development goals laid down and led by HM King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa and under the close follow-up of HRH Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, Crown Prince and Prime Minister. In this context, Humaidan reviewed the most prominent achievements made by the Kingdom of Bahrain in the field of enhancing social and human rights protection for workers, which qualified it to obtain advanced positions for consecutive years within the countries combating trafficking in persons. Evidently, these achievements have been made possible by proper enactment of laws and legislation in accordance with international labour standards. The minister stressed the importance to continue with the national efforts to promote a safe and sound work environment, apply best practices for the safety of workers and preserve their prescribed rights, and highlight these achievements in international forums. For his part, Alderazi praised the efforts of the Ministry of Labour and the Labour Market Regulatory Authority, and the measures they are implementing to strengthen the human rights system. Accordingly, he affirmed the NIHR's continued support for initiatives aimed at consolidating and guaranteeing the rights of the workforce, which reflect the progress Bahrain has made in this field.
Labour Minister receives copy of book
H.E. Mr. Jameel bin Mohammed Ali Humaidan, Minister of Labour met Dr. Faisal Humaid Al Mulla, who presented him with a copy of his book "The Foundations of Building Contemporary Curricula in Physical Education. Humaidan praised the book for it contains topics that are of interest to researchers in the field of sports curriculum planning, notably a qualitative addition to the National Library. The minister appreciated the effort made by the writer and which, is added to his contributions conducive to the cultural and scientific arena in specialised academic studies in the Kingdom of Bahrain.
Collaboration between Labour Ministry, Bahrain Polytechnic and Tamkeen
H.E. Mr. Jameel bin Mohammed Ali Humaidan, Minister of Labour, met with Prof. Ciarán Ó Catháin, CEO of Bahrain Polytechnic, at the ministry. During the meeting, they discussed the emerging programs provided by the college, in cooperation with the relevant authorities, to support efforts to qualify job seekers and provide them with the necessary professional skills required by the labour market and contribute to accelerating their employment in private sector establishments. These national efforts aim to enhance the chances of success of joint national initiatives to upgrade the skills of job seekers and provide them with professional training in order to bridge the skill gap between education outputs and the actual needs of the labour market. It also aims to accelerate the pace of employment of nationals and make them the first choice in the labour market by launching more initiatives that contribute to improving the quality of education outputs and qualifying citizens and integrating them into various economic and commercial sectors. The meeting was attended by H.E. Eng. Wael bin Nasser Al Mubarak, Minister of Municipalities Affairs and Agriculture and Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Bahrain Polytechnic, and Ms. Maha Abdulhameed Mufeez, CEO of the Labour Fund (Tamkeen). During the meeting, they reviewed the latest developments in the implementation of joint national qualification programs, foremost of which are transformational training programs for job seekers graduating from undesirable specialisations in the labour market. These programs include many specialisations required by the market, including renewable energy systems, graphic design, air conditioning and refrigeration, digital transformation in business practices, information analysis, automotive mechanics, digital energy systems, engineering drawing, and information systems. In this context, Humaidan stressed that this cooperation aims to introduce new programs to develop the capabilities and competitiveness of Bahraini citizens in the labour market. He pointed out that these programs target promising sectors that attract job seekers, and raise efficiency standards, especially in the technical sectors, in light of the rapid changes in the patterns of professions and emerging jobs that need qualification to meet actual and future needs. The minister also praised the existing cooperation between the Ministry of Labour, Bahrain Polytechnic and the Labour Fund (Tamkeen) in developing training programs to qualify and employ nationals. For his part, Al Mubarak stressed the importance of strengthening joint cooperation with relevant parties to qualify national human resources in private sector establishments. He stated that Bahrain Polytechnic's strategy is based on responding to the challenges of the labour market by diversifying its initiatives, especially expanding the offer of professional training programs that suit the needs of employers in line with work skills. For her part, Mufeez confirmed the continued support of the Labour Fund (Tamkeen) for various initiatives aimed at providing job seekers with the basic and necessary skills needed by the labour market in various functional disciplines. From this perspective, she avowed Tamkeen's keenness to strengthen cooperation with various educational and training institutions that contribute to the development of national cadres to facilitate their integration into the labour market. The CEO of Bahrain Polytechnic also reviewed the qualitative projects and initiatives implemented by the college to support plans to qualify citizens for the labour market. He stressed that the college continues to design professional programs that contribute to improving the skills and capabilities of job seekers in order to accelerate and facilitate their employment in various productive sectors.
Labour Minister meets the Director General of Vatel Hospitality College
H.E. Mr. Jameel bin Mohammed Ali Humaidan, Minister of Labour, affirmed support for all national efforts that contribute to providing various productive sectors with qualified national resources, including the hotel and hospitality sector. This comes in light of the growth witnessed by the Kingdom of Bahrain in the tourism movement, which is accompanied by the development and expansion of hotel services and facilities and the attractive job opportunities it provides for citizens. In addition to what this sector provides of national cadres with high academic and professional qualifications, making Bahrain an attractive tourist destination in the region. This came during Humaidan's meeting with Shaikh Khaled bin Khalifa Al Khalifa, General Director of Vatel Hospitality College, who briefed His Excellency on the college's educational development plans and upgrading the level of graduates and raising their efficiency according to international standards in the hotel and hospitality sector. The Minister of Labour highlighted the importance of the college's role in providing the hotel and hospitality sector with national competencies, due to its academic specialization and the new professional qualifications it offers in this field. He touched on the ministry’s endeavours to raise the employment rates of citizens in this promising sector, considering that specialised technical education and training is one of the most important means to achieve the desired goal of this promising sector. For his part, Shaikh Khaled bin Khalifa Al Khalifa pointed out the college's keenness to develop its educational programs and curricula to meet the needs of the labour market of national cadres. He also looks forward to upgrading cooperation with various relevant authorities to enhance the role of this educational institution in graduating qualified citizens in the hotel and hospitality sector in the Kingdom of Bahrain.
Labour Minister receives US Ambassador
H.E. Mr. Jameel bin Mohammed Ali Humaidan, Minister of Labour and Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Labour Market Regulatory Authority, met in his office with H.E. Mr. Steven Craig Bondy, Ambassador of the United States of America to the Kingdom of Bahrain. During the meeting, they reviewed ways to improve the existing relations of friendship and cooperation between the two countries in the fields of labour. In this context, the minister explained the tireless efforts of the Kingdom of Bahrain in the field of developing labour market systems in accordance with international labour standards, which contribute to ensuring workers' rights and combating all forms of discrimination at work and trafficking in persons. For his part, the US Ambassador congratulated the Kingdom of Bahrain on obtaining this year's first category in the US State Department's report on the classification of countries in the field of combating trafficking in persons for six consecutive years. He also pointed to Bahrain's achievements in terms of its pioneering experience in the labor market and human rights.
Labour Minister announces National Labour Market Plan (2023-2026)
H.E. Mr. Jameel bin Mohammed Ali Humaidan, Minister of Labour and Chairman of the Labour Market Regulatory Authority, affirmed the interest and keenness of His Royal Highness Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, Crown Prince and Prime Minister, to sustain the growth of the labour market to generate more jobs in various productive sectors. In response to his wise directives, more horizons have been opened that enhance development paths by developing strategic plans to develop the labour market, providing an attractive work environment for investments, enhancing the economic position of the Kingdom of Bahrain within a business incubator environment, and aligning higher education outputs with the requirements of the labour market. All these initiatives aim to enhance the contributions of the private sector and continue to develop control and regulatory procedures that promote the principles of competitiveness, justice and sustainability, in a way that contributes to raising the standard of living of citizens and preserving their gains. This came in a statement by H.E. the Minister of Labour on the occasion of the Cabinet's approval of the National Labour Market Plan 2023-2026, within the framework of implementing the provisions of Decree-Law No. (21) of 2021 amending some provisions of Law No. (19) of 2006 regarding the regulation of the labour market, through which the Ministry of Labour was tasked with preparing the National Plan for the Labour Market every four years. Humaidan pointed out that the National Labour Market Plan 2023-2026 comes after the completion of 91% of the initiatives of the previous plan 2021-2023, which witnessed an increase in the employment rates of citizens in private sector establishments. The plan also accompanied the economic recovery phase by taking advantage of the growth of the targeted sectors and attracting investments, which led to high employment rates. New support programs were also launched, as well as multiple training and qualification tracks and programs, and wider areas of applied and technical education were opened. The minister indicated that the remaining initiatives will be completed within the current plan, which is based on four strategic objectives that include 30 proposals. He also mentioned the active participation in the preparation of the plan by several government agencies, namely the Ministry of Interior, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Industry and Trade, the Higher Education Council, the Labour Market Regulatory Authority, the Labour Fund (Tamkeen), the Social Insurance Organization, the Information and eGovernment Authority, the Education and Training Quality Authority, in addition to the Ministry of Labour. In this context, he expressed his sincere thanks and appreciation to these parties for their effective contribution to the formulation of the plan's visions. The Labour Minister highlighted the importance of the current plan and its aims towards creating quality job opportunities for citizens for making them the first choice in the labour market. He also focused on the importance of harmonising education outputs with the needs of the labour market, as well as strengthening partnership with the private sector and developing local and foreign investments in the Kingdom while further reinforcing regulation systems and developing labour legislation that encourage attracting various investments and controlling the movement of workers in the labor market. Humaidan stated that the cooperation of all parties in the public and private sectors is a prerequisite for the success of this plan, in order to ensure stable development in the labour market and to achieve the government's 2023-2026 program of recovery to sustainable growth. In this context, he stressed that the plan would contribute to strengthening cooperation between government agencies to update data, address challenges and monitor indicators through the process of monitoring and evaluation and taking the necessary decisions to support the implementation of all initiatives in the National Labour Market Plan. The Labour Market Plan for the years 2023-2026 includes several axes that contribute to reducing the cost difference between Bahraini and foreign workers and creating more job opportunities for citizens in the private sector. It also contributes to expanding partnerships between the government and the private sector by encouraging institutions and companies to adopt all different types of employment in the labour market in a way that enhances economic participation, such as partial employment, remote work, and others, as well as contributing to the creation of employment opportunities. Accordingly, the Ministryof Labour will work within its programmes to develop and strengthen programmes for the integration of women into the labour market and to enhance the flow of suitable vacancies for females. Through the current plan, the Ministry of Labour and the Labour Fund (Tamkeen) seek to launch initiatives and programs aimed at providing national cadres with the various skills required by the labour market, in order to develop the skills and capabilities of national workers. It also stands firm on expanding the number of rehabilitation programs for job seekers from groups that face difficulty in entering the labour market. It is also keen to align these endeavors with Tamkeen's qualitative training opportunities for new and promising skills related to professional development, and to develop the outputs of private training institutions to keep pace with modern technology and techniques. The plan also includes an important axis through which the government seeks to propose appropriate treatments for education outcomes. The strategy of aligning education outputs with the needs of the labour market comes by reducing the gap and highlighting technical and vocational education in order to achieve a balance between academic and vocational qualification in national human resources. Henceforth, the concerned authorities are developing and implementing an advanced and sustainable plan for post-school education, promoting flexible paths in the education and training phase, and expanding the provision of technical and applied disciplines. This plan also includes the pillar necessary to enhance partnership with the private sector, encourage the investment environment, in order to stimulate productivity and generate abundance of jobs to ensure job stability for citizens in the labour market within the priorities that the government is working to achieve by supporting promotion and development programs for Bahrainis in quality jobs. The Labour Fund (Tamkeen) will launch professional and career development programs in various economic sectors, as well as promote the provision of an enabling environment to attract investments and support the development of small and medium enterprises. In addition, the Labour Fund is determined on providing financing, training, technical consultancy and other services provided by the government to encourage citizens to engage in entrepreneurship. It is very important to strengthen control and regulation towards the current labour market plan through cooperation between various bodies to regulate the presence of foreign workers and their legislation to ensure the stability of the labour market and achieve a balance between Bahraini and foreign workers to increase the flow of employment opportunities for nationals in various economic and commercial sectors. In addition, it develops the current regulatory procedures and legislation, takes all measures aimed at controlling irregular employment, and develops laws and regulations aimed at protecting workers, promoting occupational health and safety in the workplace and improving the quality of life of the workforce.
Humaidan praises "Invita Bahrain" for employing Bahrainis
As part of a series of visits to companies and institutions supporting the Ministry's initiatives and programs in the field of employing national cadres and the high rates of Bahrainisation, H.E. Mr. Jameel bin Mohammed Ali Humaidan, Minister of Labour, paid a visit to Invita Bahrain, where he met with Dr. Adel Abdulla Salem, Chairman of the Board of Directors and a number of company officials. It is a known fact that ministry is intensifying its efforts towards integrating citizens into specific sectors and providing them with skills to fill jobs and professions created in the labour market, including the fields of information technology and supporting professions. Invita Bahrain is one of those companies working in the field of business processing, management and operation of call centers, customer relationship management services, information technology, infrastructure development, application and network development, and social media management. In the course of his visit, Humaidan was briefed on the company's efforts in employing Bahrainis, as the company employs (402) employees, including (342) Bahrainis. His Excellency also listened to a number of successful experiences narrated by Bahraini employees who progressed up the career ladder to the company's administrative leaders. The Minister of Labour also toured various departments and sections and met with a number of employees, where he listened to their opinions and practical experiences. Humaidan praised the company's experience and overcoming the Bahrainisation rates established for this type of economic activity, which reflects the management's confidence in national cadres, and the culmination of the government's efforts to qualify citizens for attractive qualitative sectors by providing professional training that keeps pace with technological developments in the labour market to facilitate the employment of citizens and accelerate their integration into the private sector. He also referred to the incentives provided to employers and employees to make citizens the first choice in the labor market, indicating that the Ministry of Labour continues to develop partnerships with the private sector and launch more initiatives to accelerate the pace of employment. For his part, Salem praised the efforts made by the Ministry of Labour in providing the private sector with qualified citizens and the incentives provided by the government in this regard. Among the most prominent of them is supporting the wages of national workers who have proven their worth in various work sites, and they are the real capital for the sustainability of growth and productivity in the facility.
Humaidan: The success of the GCC labour market lies in the exchange of successful experiences
His Excellency Mr. Jameel bin Mohammed Ali Humaidan, Minister of Labour, met with Dr. Amer bin Mohammed Al Hajri, Director General of the Executive Bureau of the Labour and Social Affairs Ministers Council, at his office. During the meeting, they discussed a number of topics that will form the agenda of the 9th meeting of the Committee of Ministers of Labour of the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf to be held in the Kingdom of Bahrain this year. They also discussed the development of joint Gulf programs in the field of labour and the development of national human resources. On the same note, Humaidan stressed the importance of strengthening joint Gulf action, praising in this context the vital role played by the Executive Bureau in implementing programs that are in the interest of strengthening Gulf action. The minister also pointed to the importance of exchanging successful experiences in the Gulf labour markets, especially in the field of employing and qualifying citizens and creating promising opportunities in various productive sectors. In turn, Al-Hajri appreciated the support received by the office from the Government of the Kingdom of Bahrain, pointing out that this support reflects the Kingdom's continuous interest and keenness to advance the GCC march and the success of the joint Gulf action.
Midday Work Ban Begins Saturday 1st July
The Kingdom of Bahrain will begin tomorrow, Saturday (July 1), the application of Resolution No. (3) of 2013 regarding the prohibition of noon work in open places between 12 noon and 4 pm during the months of July and August. The decision aims to strengthen the protection of workers from occupational diseases and injuries at a time when the country is witnessing high temperatures and increased humidity. According to plan, the Ministry of Labour has completed all its preparations to supervise the implementation of the decision. On this occasion, H.E. Mr. Jameel bin Mohammed Ali Humaidan, Minister of Labour, indicated the importance of applying the principles and requirements of occupational safety to enhance a productive, safe and work-free work environment. He also pointed out that the ministry's occupational safety inspection teams will embark on their field monitoring campaign with the implementation of the decision, to ensure that establishments comply with it. The minister called on employers to continue their annual commitment to implement the decision in order to preserve the safety and health of workers and to take all regulatory measures, including benefiting from the rescheduling of working hours in a way that does not affect the progress of their work, pointing to the humanitarian and economic dimensions of the decision. The ministerial decision on the prohibition of noon work stipulates that "anyone who violates the provisions of this decision shall be punished by the penalties stipulated in Article (192) of the Labour Law in the Private Sector promulgated by Law No. (36) of 2012, which stipulates that anyone who violates any of the provisions of Chapter (15) and the decisions issued in implementation thereof shall be punished by imprisonment for a period not exceeding three months and a fine of not less than BD500 and not more than BD1000, or one of these two penalties. "
Humaidan chairs LMRA board’s meeting
The Board of Directors of the Labour Market Regulatory Authority (LMRA) held its eighth meeting of the fourth session under the chairmanship of H.E. Mr. Jameel bin Mohammed Ali Humaidan, Minister of Labour and Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Labour Market Regulatory Authority, on Sunday, in the presence of members of the Board of Directors and H.E. Mrs. Noof Abdulrahman Jamsheer, CEO of the Authority. In a statement, Humaidan expressed continued support for efforts to develop the work environment in the Kingdom of Bahrain in order to enhance the efficiency, productivity and stability of the labour market and preserve the rights of all labour parties in order to serve the development and economic plans. Accordingly, His Excellency attached special importance to the economic recovery plan and the national labor market plan, in line with the government's program and directions to enhance the economic and investment attractiveness in the country. The Labour Minister explained that the efforts made by the Authority to maintain a labour market, which enjoys high productivity and stability, have earned it praise and attention by international and UN organizations. This confidence has given Bahrain a distinguished global position, which has made it a model in respecting human rights and applying best practices. In this context, the board members noted Bahrain's distinctive achievement of the first category, as stated in the report of the United States Department of State on the classification of countries in the field of combating trafficking in persons for the sixth consecutive year. The board expressed its appreciation for the joint efforts and cooperation with the National Committee to Combat Trafficking in Persons, as well as various relevant government agencies. At the same time, the board called for following up on the recommendations of the report to build on the achievements and address the shortcomings, especially since the report is considered the highest international reference in this field. For her part, Mrs. Jamsheer presented a detailed report highlighting the efforts and programs of the LMRA and the results achieved during the first quarter of this year. She also pointed out the important projects that are being implemented and completed during the current year, most notably the developments in the implementation of the Wages Protection System and the Labour Registration System. The board praised the results achieved, and the efforts exerted to support the stability and balance of the labour market, and to find solutions that meet the needs of the national economy and give it flexibility that enhances its competitiveness and ability to adapt to various circumstances and fluctuations, through the implementation of projects and procedures regulating the market. The LMRA’s board of directors also noted the implementation of the relevant decisions to develop and improve the productive and sound work environment at the level of international and global indicators, and to improve services directed to citizens, employers and expatriate workers.
Minister of Labour: Noontime work decision starts in July
The Ministry of Labour announced the entry into force of Ministerial Resolution No. (3) of 2013, regarding the prohibition of working under direct sunlight and open places with high temperatures during the afternoon from 12 noon to 4 pm of July and August of each year. The ban will start on Saturday, July 1, 2023, and aims to protect workers and ensure their safety from the dangers of heat stress, sunstroke and various summer diseases and reduce occupational accidents, during this particular period when average temperatures and humidity levels are very high. The Ministry of Labour has embarked on a proactive campaign aimed at raising awareness among employers and workers to demonstrate the importance of adhering to the decision. The facilities are then provided with guidance bulletins, in addition to preparing brochures and advertisements in multiple languages that include instructions and information on the impact of continuous exposure to high temperatures on the health and safety of workers during the exercise of job duties. The campaign also includes providing workshops for occupational safety supervisors in private sector establishments to inform them of the latest developments and requirements for the necessary requirements to prevent summer diseases and occupational accidents at work sites. In a statement on this occasion, the Minister of Labour said that the commitment of the Kingdom of Bahrain to implement this decision annually reflects the importance it attaches to human rights principles, especially the right of workers to provide a safe and healthy work environment in accordance with international labour standards. He pointed out that the implementation of the noon work ban during the past years contributed to reducing the risks of work injuries, stressing the importance of establishments strengthening their efforts in educating workers about summer diseases and ways to prevent them, indicating the risks resulting from heat stress due to their exposure to direct sunlight. In this context, Humaidan emphasised the necessity to provide comprehensive health care and first aid and find appropriate technical solutions that would reduce workers' exposure to temperatures and humidity. Humaidan also stressed the keenness of the Ministry of Labour not to cause adverse affects on the completion of existing projects implemented by establishments on time. He pointed out that the decision is an incentive for more productivity, due to the cessation of workers from work during the hours of the ban, and compensated them by rescheduling working hours throughout the period of validity of the decision. The minister also noted the commitment of private sector establishments over the past years to implement the stated decision. The ministerial decision on the prohibition of noon work stipulates that "anyone who violates the provisions of this decision shall be punished by the penalties stipulated in Article (192) of the Labour Law in the Private Sector promulgated by Law No. (36) of 2012. It also stipulates that anyone who violates any of the provisions of Chapter (15) and the decisions issued in implementation thereof shall be punished by imprisonment for a period not exceeding three months and a fine of not less than BD500 and not more than BD1000, or one of these two penalties. "