
أنت في الصفحة رقم 10 من 59 صفحات

  • 09-02-2023

Minister of Labour discusses work environment at production sites with the General Federation of Bahrain Trade Unions


H.E. Mr. Jameel bin Mohammed Ali Humaidan, Minister of Labour and Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Labour Market Regulatory Authority, discussed with the Secretary-General of the General Federation of Bahrain Trade Unions, Mr. Abdulqader Abdulkarim Al Shehabi, in the presence of Mr. Hassan Abdulla Al-Halwachi the Deputy Secretary-General, the main initiatives and efforts contributed by the ministry towards the advancement of production in the private sector, as well as the actions taken to support the stability and growth of the labour market. At the meeting on Thursday, Humaidan placed emphasis on the ongoing endeavors made by the ministry to step up cooperation between the three production parties. The two sides also reviewed and discussed the latest developments related to the initiatives adopted by the Ministry of Labour towards recruiting Bahrainis in companies and institutions. In general, they looked into all aspects related to enhancing the work environment in private establishments, as well as developing union work mechanisms, ensuring workers' rights in various productive sectors.


  • 08-02-2023

Minister of Labour receives a number of MPs


H.E. Mr. Jameel bin Mohammed Ali Humaidan, Minister of Labour, stressed the importance of cooperation and integration between the executive and legislative authorities to achieve common national goals based on the sustainability of growth in various tracks, in a way that enhances national gains that support initiatives to employ citizens in various economic and commercial sectors. This came during Humaidan's meeting, on Wednesday in his office at the ministry, with the MPs: Dr. Hisham Ahmed Al Asheri, Mr. Mahmoud Mirza Fardan, Mrs. Jalila Alawi Hassan and Mr. Mohsen Ali Al Asboul. During the meeting, HE the Minister of Labour reviewed the efforts made by the ministry with a number of partners in the recruitment and training processes. His Excellency also emphasised on the ministry’s continued support for training and rehabilitation programs to make Bahrainis the first choice for employment in the labour market. Humaidan pointed out that the recruitment of Bahraini cadres is a shared responsibility that requires concerted efforts to make government initiatives a success in that sense. جاء ذلك خلال لقاء حميدان، اليوم الأربعاء في مكتبه بالوزارة، بأصحاب السعادة النواب: الدكتور هشام أحمد العشيري، والسيد محمود ميرزا فردان، والسيدة جليلة علوي حسن، والسيد محسن علي العسبول. واستعرض سعادة وزير العمل خلال الاجتماع الجهود التي تقوم بها الوزارة مع عدد من الشركاء في التوظيف والتدريب. مؤكداً الاستمرار في دعم برامج التدريب والتأهيل ليكون البحريني الخيار الأول عند التوظيف في سوق العمل، لافتاً إلى ان توظيف الموارد البشرية البحرينية مسؤولية مشتركة تتطلب تضافر جميع الجهود لإنجاح المبادرات الحكومية على هذا الصعيد.


  • 07-02-2023

Minister of Labour briefed IMF delegation on the Kingdom's initiatives to promote sustainability, labour market growth and support the business environment


H.E. Mr. Jameel bin Mohammed Ali Humaidan, Minister of Labour and Chairman of the Labour Market Regulatory Authority (LMRA) stressed that the Kingdom of Bahrain is keen to enhance the sustainability of the growth of the labour market and develop its policies to further attract investments and generate more quality opportunities. The minister also praised Bahrain's attractive work environment, and the provision of various training programs to rehabilitate national human resources and facilitate their integration into various commercial and economic establishments in the private sector because of its pivotal role alongside the public sector in supporting the goals of the broader development. This came during the meeting of HE the Minister of Labour with the IMF delegation visiting the Kingdom of Bahrain, headed by Ms. Asmaa A. El Ganainy, in the presence of HH Shaikh Khalifa bin Salman bin Mohammed Al Khalifa, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Labour, HE CEO of the Labour Market Regulatory Authority Nouf Abdulrahman Jamsheer and a number of officials in the ministry. The visit of the IMF delegation comes within the framework of the existing cooperation between the Kingdom of Bahrain and the International Monetary Fund and other specialized international organizations. This aim is to exchange and evaluate experiences and work to develop them to serve the development goals and national priorities in the Kingdom. During the meeting, HE the Minister reviewed the Kingdom's experience in launching qualitative initiatives for employment programs and providing social protection. Humaidan pointed out the results achieved in this regard through an increase in employment rates and a decrease in the rates of job seekers at the end of 2022, as well as programs to support women and promote the principles of competition and equality in the labour market. His Excellency also briefed the delegation on the procedures for doing business in the Kingdom of Bahrain and the advanced legislation in the movement and protection of expatriate workers in accordance with international labour standards, and its efforts to combat all forms of discrimination and address any practices in the field of human trafficking. In this context, HE the Minister of Labour also touched on the new projects launched by the Kingdom of Bahrain to support the business environment, foremost of which is the Wage Protection System for expatriate workers. He also talked about the induction of specialised training packages for university graduates to provide them with professional skills to rehabilitate them for the labour market, in order to achieve greater alignment between education versus training outputs and the needs of the market. For her part, Ms. Asmaa El Ganainy, Head of the IMF delegation, praised the efforts of the Government of the Kingdom of Bahrain in launching initiatives and incentives to sustain the growth of the labour market and provide more qualitative opportunities in various fields. She also expressed her thanks for the cooperation provided by the Ministry of Labour and the Labour Market Regulatory Authority to the World Bank delegation by reviewing the Kingdom's experience in this regard.


  • 07-02-2023

Minister of Labour receives MP Maryam Al Sayegh


HE Minister of Labour Jameel bin Mohammed Ali Humaidan met with MP Maryam Hassan Al Sayegh, in his office at the ministry. During the meeting, the Minister of Labour briefed MP Al Sayegh on the latest developments in the implementation of the Ministry's initiatives and projects in the field of enhancing the rehabilitation and integration of citizens looking for work in private sector establishments, maintaining their stability and developing their job skills, and continuous efforts to improve and develop the productive work environment. Humaidan stressed the important role played by members of the legislative authority, appreciating their efforts in developing national legislation related to the ministry's areas of work, and the joint keenness to meet the needs of citizens and secure suitable jobs for them according to the qualifications and skills available to them.


  • 04-02-2023

24 Bahrainis signed employment contracts with Ansar Gallery


Contracts were signed at the Ministry of Labour for (24) Bahrainis of both sexes to work at Ansar Gallery Company, in a number of administrative and technical jobs, in the presence of Mr. Jameel bin Mohammed Ali Humaidan, Minister of Labour. On this occasion, Humaidan stressed that the Ministry of Labour continues to use all economic and commercial sectors to integrate Bahraini citizens into the labour market. His Excellency added that the ministry provides them with the necessary vocational training to enable them to move up the career ladder in various productive sectors, including the retail sector, which provides many technical and administrative jobs. Humaidan called on the new recruits to gain experience and perfect their professional skills for career advancement, which affords them the opportunity to be among the successful stories of the national workforce. Mr. Mohammed Musaad Habib, Deputy General Manager of Ansar Gallery, expressed his thanks and appreciation for the cooperation provided by the Ministry of Labour to the company by providing qualified Bahraini cadres to fill administrative and technical positions. He stressed that all those who signed employment contracts were among the lists of job seekers at the ministry, pointing out that the company has the readiness to provide opportunities for advancement in the career ladder for Bahraini citizens. In this context, the Deputy Director General praised the plans of the Ministry of Labour in training and qualifying job seekers, which contribute to providing the labour market with national competencies.


  • 31-01-2023

Humaidan meets with Chairman & Executive Members of Bahrain Management Society


H.E. Mr. Jameel bin Mohammed Ali Humaidan, Minister of Labour, met with the executive board of the Bahrain Management Society, headed by Dr. Lulwa Mutlaq AlMutlaq, in his office at the ministry, on the occasion of the election of the new Board of Directors. At the beginning of the meeting, Humaidan congratulated the chairman and members of the board of directors for the confidence they gained from the General Assembly in their election for a new term, stressing the importance of the society’s role in promoting administrative developments among Bahraini youth and advancing management tasks by employing modern devices in developing business systems. His Excellency also pointed out that the presence of distinguished managers in various production sites contributes to the development of the facility and elevates the administrative cadres as they are able to correct and develop management guidelines and improve productivity. Humaidan was briefed on the activities and events of the association and the efforts exerted to raise the levels of Bahraini administrators in various productive sectors. In this context, Dr. Lulwa pointed out that the Society is working on implementing events, seminars, and workshops to highlight the success stories of Bahraini employees in various sectors and the stages of their progression to administrative positions. In addition, Al-Mutlaq referred to the society's endeavors to coordinate with universities to work on joining students in order to benefit from existing experiences, spread the culture of leadership and provide programs that contribute to increasing productivity.


  • 30-01-2023

Challenges facing Bahraini Women in holding Leading Positions in the Public Sector


H.E. the Minister of Labour, Mr. Jameel bin Mohammed Ali Humaidan, received in his office at the ministry, Mrs. Najwa Buhassan, the Head of the Insurance Claims Registration and Evaluation Section at the Compensation and Unemployment Support Department During the meeting, Mrs. Najwa presented to the Minister of Labour a copy of her master's thesis on "The Challenges facing Bahraini Women in holding Leading Positions in the Public Sector". In her thesis, the researcher addressed the factors that contributed to the success of a number of Bahraini women figures in the public sector, as well as reviewing the most prominent difficulties and challenges facing women in senior positions.


  • 30-01-2023

Minister of Labour meets MP Hanan Al Fardan


H.E. Minister of Labour Jameel bin Mohammed Ali Humaidan met in his office at the ministry MP Hanan Mohammed Al Fardan of the House of Representatives. The meeting reviewed the latest developments in the rehabilitation programs for job seekers and their integration into various job specialties in the private sector. In this context, Humaidan pointed out that the Ministry of Labour continues to launch initiatives aimed at accelerating the pace of integration of national cadres in various attractive sectors. They also discussed ways to enhance joint cooperation with the legislative authority on issues related to everything that serves the interests of citizens. For her part, MP Hanan expressed her appreciation for the efforts made by the ministry in order to improve the labour services directed to job seekers within the framework of implementing the government's policy that seeks to secure a decent living for citizens.


  • 28-01-2023

Ministry of Labour organizes a workshop on "Occupational Safety Indicators in 2022"


The Ministry of Labour organized a specialized workshop entitled "Occupational Safety Indicators in 2022", as part of its efforts to enhance the protection and safety of workers at various production sites. A number of occupational safety and health officials from various private sector establishments also participated in this workshop. It dealt with occupational safety requirements and standards and ways to apply them in the workplace. The workshop reviewed the most important features of occupational safety and health in 2022, and the proactive and preventive efforts made by the Ministry by intensifying inspection visits and following up on complaints and observations on work sites. In addition, it showed the most important lessons learned from occupational accidents that occurred, their causes and how to take corrective actions to ensure that they do not recur. The workshop also focused on identifying the important role of occupational safety and health officials in private sector establishments in reducing occupational accidents and injuries. The workshop touched on the correlation between occupational safety indicators and other indicators such as the urban development witnessed by the Kingdom of Bahrain and the subsequent increase in construction work sites. In addition, other labour market indicators related to the level of qualification and training of workers to carry out some specialized work, the role of labour law in the private sector and the decisions regulating the reduction of occupational injuries and accidents were discussed. At the end of the workshop, a set of recommendations were reviewed, most notably working on licensing some practitioners of technical activities in the field of construction, by requiring the measurement of competence in specialization for contractors and workers of establishments. These recommendations also included the importance of intensifying visits to reduce unsafe practices and conditions in the workplace.


  • 27-01-2023

Humaidan receives a copy of the book "Bahraini Proverbs with Cartoon Scribblings"


H. E. Mr. Jameel bin Mohammed Ali Humaidan, Minister of Labour, met with author Hajjar Nasser Al Fadala, in his office at the ministry, where she presented him with a copy of her new book "Bahraini Proverbs with Cartoon Scribblings", which is considered one of the folkloric works of art on Bahraini proverbs. Humaidan praised the content of the book, and stressed that the Bahraini heritage is rich in traditional proverbs, which expresses a cultural experience that retrenched them into wisdom and lessons-learned. The minister also noted the efforts the author has made to transform these proverbs into artistic animated templates to benefit children and young people in preserving the oral heritage


  • 25-01-2023

AFS Employment Plans for Bahrainis .. Humaidan : The growth of the financial sector in Bahrain provides quality job opportunities


H.E. Mr. Jameel bin Mohammed Ali Humaidan, Minister of Labour, affirmed the government's support for the financial services sector to attract more investment opportunities to strengthen the Kingdom of Bahrain's position as a regional hub for this sector. His Excellency pointed out that the Ministry of Labour gives priority to employing nationals in specialised sectors, while the financial sector is at the forefront of it by updating the professional training system that keeps pace with technological developments. The minister added that the growth of non-banking financial companies in the Kingdom constitutes an important tributary in supporting the national economy and providing quality investment opportunities that generate jobs. This came in a statement by H.E. the Minister of Labour during his visit to the Arab Financial Services Company (AFS), where he met with Mr. Samer Suleiman, CEO of the company and a number of officials of the company. His Excellency was briefed on the company's recruitment plans, as 64 Bahrainis were employed during the years 2021-2022 out of a total number of 148 Bahrainis in the company, which showed that the percentage of Bahrainisation in the company exceeded 66%. The minister was also introduced to the company's plan to train job seekers and university students, a strategic move it carries out periodically at the facility. Humaidan met with a number of Bahraini employees, including many who were promoted to senior management positions, through which they presented their success stories in the company that qualified them for career advancement. His Excellency praised these stories, which are a model to be followed, calling on employees to continue their efforts in self-development and work hard and discipline to improve their career productivity. The minister also noted the level of job stability of national workers in light of the encouraging work environment, expressing his pride in the Bahraini cadres working in the financial sector. In this context, Humaidan expressed his thanks and appreciation to AFS for adopting the national element and considering it one of the priorities of its future employment plans. He also pointed out that the interest that the companies and institutions operating in the private sector give to employ nationals comes in light of the employers' conviction that national workforce is worthy and able to manage the movement of production in various productive sectors, in sync with the support provided by the government to private enterprises that prioritise employment of Bahrainis, and laws and facilities that stimulate production. Moreover, he explained that the ministry aims to prepare job seekers who are equipped with the necessary professional training skills to be the first choice for recruitment in various sectors, especially the financial sector. For his part, the CEO of AFS expressed his thanks to the Minister of Labour for this visit, stressing that it will be an important motivation for the company to continue its efforts in employing citizens. He also pointed out that the company's success in attracting national human resources comes with the assistance of the Ministry of Labour in providing trained cadres in this sector, in addition to the availability of the appropriate environment, along with professional vocational training, and the government's support for national labour, which contributed to empowering Bahrainis in various administrative and technical jobs in the company. It is worth mentioning that the Arab Financial Services Company is one of the leading companies in providing payment expertise to banks and commercial groups. The company also offers advanced payment solutions and is one of the region's digital payment solutions providers and a fintech enabler.


  • 23-01-2023

Humaidan briefs MP Al-Rumaihi on the ministry’s initiatives in the field of labour service


H.E. Mr. Jameel bin Mohammed Ali Humaidan, Minister of Labour, met in his office at the Ministry with MP Abdulla Khalifa Al Rumaihi, Member of the House of Representatives. During the meeting, Humaidan briefed MP Al-Rumaihi on the latest developments in the implementation of the ministry's initiatives and projects in the field of enhancing the rehabilitation and integration of citizens looking for work in private sector establishments, and maintaining their stability and progress. The minister also focused on the importance of continuing to create a healthy work environment, which is based on the foundations of dialogue and fruitful cooperation between the production parties. In the same context, they discussed the effective role played by the members of the Shura Council and the Council of Representatives in developing national legislation related to the ministry’s work area, and keenness to achieve the desired sustainable development goals for all categories and citizens.


  • 21-01-2023

Labour Minister meets with Chairman of Northern Area Municipality Council


H.E. Mr. Jameel bin Mohammed Ali Humaidan, Minister of Labour, met in his office at the ministry, Dr. Sayed Shubar Ibrahim Al-Wadaei, Chairman of the Municipal Council of the Northern Area Municipality, accompanied by Deputy Chairperson Ms. Zeina Jassim. During the meeting, a number of issues of common interest were discussed, including the Ministry's efforts to enhance occupational health and safety standards by providing the best work environment in various productive sectors. In this context, Humaidan stressed the keenness of the Ministry of Labour to consolidate the principles of environmental safety in the workplace, and to benefit from recycling policies, especially in the industrial sector, to promote a culture of environmental safety and face challenges in this regard, in order to sustain a safe and stimulating work environment.


  • 19-01-2023

Minister of Labour meets First Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives


H.E. Minister of Labour Jameel bin Mohammed Ali Humaidan met in his office at the ministry with First Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives Mr. Abdulnabi Salman Nasser. During the meeting, they discussed ways to enhance joint cooperation between the executive and legislative authorities to meet the aspirations of citizens, especially in the fields of work and qualifying national human resources to accelerate their integration into various promising productive sectors. Humaidan reviewed the initiatives and activities undertaken by the Ministry of Labour in the field of developing and improving employment mechanisms that take place through the e-career fair, developing training and qualification programs, in addition to the facilities provided by the government to the private sector in order to employ qualified national workers. The minister also stressed the importance of cooperation with the legislative authority in developing national labour laws, which contributes to the stability and sustainability of the labor market in the Kingdom of Bahrain.


  • 18-01-2023

Humaidan briefs MP Al-Asboul on national employment initiatives


H.E. Mr. Jameel bin Mohammed Ali Humaidan, Minister of Labour, met in his office at the ministry Mr. Mohsen Ali Al-Asboul, Member of the House of Representatives. During the meeting, Humaidan updated MP Al-Asboul on the latest programs and initiatives implemented by the Ministry of Labour, which aim to accelerate the integration of citizens looking for work and make them the first choice for recruitment. The minister also stressed the importance of cooperation between the legislative and executive authorities in supporting employment programs and qualifying national cadres for the labour market. For his part, Al-Asboul praised the initiatives of the Ministry of Labour in employing citizens and providing an attractive work environment, noting the incentives provided by the ministry to the establishments that attract national workers.


  • 16-01-2023

Upon activation of the memorandum of understanding between the two countries Minister of Labour discusses with the UAE side on raising levels of cooperation in the fields of labour and human resources


H.E. Mr. Jameel bin Mohammed Ali Humaidan, Minister of Labour and Chairman of the Labour Market Regulatory Authority (LMRA) headed a Bahraini delegation that included Ms. Nouf Abdulrahman Jamsheer, CEO of the Labour Market Regulatory Authority (LMRA), and a number of ministry’s officials, visited the United Arab Emirates, in light of the activation of the memorandum of understanding signed between the two brotherly countries in the field of labour and human resources development. HE the Minister held a meeting with his Emirati counterpart, Dr. Abdulrahman Abdul Manan Al Awar, UAE Minister of Human Resources and Emiratisation, in the presence of a number of senior Emirati officials. During this meeting, they discussed ways to enhance joint cooperation between the two countries, as the visiting delegation was briefed on the policies applied in the UAE towards improving the labour market and developing human resources, together with the initiatives related to the unemployment insurance system, the wage protection system and ways to enhance supervision in the labour market. The Bahraini delegation was also briefed on the UAE experience in the field of developing occupational standards and adopting them at the national level. On the occasion of his visit to the United Arab Emirates, Humaidan praised the depth of Bahraini-Emirati relations, and the development they are witnessing under the leadership of His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, and His Highness Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, President of the United Arab Emirates, stressing the importance of exchanging information and strengthening bilateral cooperation in the fields of labour and the development and rehabilitation of human resources for the benefit of citizens in both countries. In this context, His Excellency touched on the initiatives implemented by the Kingdom of Bahrain in terms of accelerating the pace of recruitment, rehabilitating and integrating nationals into the private sector through incentives and measures that enhance the priority of Bahrainis in employment, and mechanisms for implementing unemployment insurance. Humaidan then wished for more cooperation and coordination between the two brotherly countries when they participate in various regional and international events. For his part, Al Awar praised Bahrain's pioneering experience in organising and developing the labour market. His Excellency also noted the pioneering programs implemented by the Kingdom in the fields of employment and supporting human resources through motivational and rehabilitation policies to ensure that the Bahrainis get preference in employment, as well as enhance job stability. Dr. Abdulrahman also praised the efforts of the Bahraini Ministry of Labour in protecting the rights of the workforce and providing social protection for job seekers and workers alike, by strengthening the unemployment insurance system. Following that, the Emirati minister emphasised on the importance of enhancing cooperation between the GCC countries via exchanging experiences in the fields of the labour market, especially in developing the occupational standards currently applied by both brethren countries and working to advance the process of integrating labour markets within the Gulf region.


  • 11-01-2023

Minister of Labour: Continue to support establishments that attract national labour


Employment contracts for 28 Bahrainis registered in the job seeker’s lists were signed today with Haj Hassan Group in the presence of H. E. Mr. Jameel bin Mohammed Ali Humaidan, Minister of Labour, as part of the employment initiative within the economic recovery plan, which enhances joint cooperation between the Ministry of Labour and the private sector to employ Bahraini nationals in various productive sectors. This initiative comes within the first phase of the company's plan for the current year, to raise its Bahrainisation rates through a plan to employ 45 citizens in specialised jobs and technology during the year 2023, and work on training and developing them professionally to provide them with the necessary skills. It is worth noting that the plan in its second phase will focus on employing nationals in specialized and administrative jobs. During his meeting with the citizens who signed the employment contracts, Humaidan expressed his pride in the performance of the national forces in private sector and their effective contribution to providing high-quality productivity, which helps a lot in raising and continuing development in the Kingdom. The minister also pointed out the importance of perseverance and commitment to the values of work and job stability, which are considered necessary for empowering career progression. His Excellency then expressed his appreciation and gratitude to Haji Hassan Group of Companies for its employment of Bahrainis and for achieving positive rates in the Bahrainization of jobs. Furthermore, he emphasized the commitment of the government to continue its support to the programs of national companies, which focus on attracting national cadres and qualifying them professionally and functionally, in order to accentuate the employment initiatives within the economic recovery plan and make citizens the first choice in the labour market. For his part, Mr. Maitham Omran, Director of Human Resources at Haji Hassan, confirmed that the group is keen to benefit from Bahraini human resources in its various branches. Omran also pointed out that the group employed 60 Bahrainis during the year 2022 out of a total of 289 Bahrainis. The company's director explained that the group's policy is to strengthen its staff with national cadres, referring to the support that the private sector enjoys from the government in order to achieve the goals of sustaining stability in the labour market in the Kingdom of Bahrain.


  • 07-01-2023

Humaidan: Partnership with the private sector contributed to the success of employment programs & proud of the career advancement of the national forces in the company


H.E. Mr. Jameel bin Mohammed Ali Humaidan, Minister of Labour, visited Silah Gulf, a provider of customer experience and outsourcing solutions, which ranked fifth among the top 10 establishments that contributed to the employment of nationals during the year 2022, with a high Bahrainisation rate of more than 81%, where 215 Bahraini nationals were employed out of a total of 539 Bahrainis working for the company. H. E. the Minister held a meeting with Mr. Mohamed Ali Al Qaed, CEO of the Information & eGovernment Authority and Chairman of the Board of Directors of the company, along with Mr. Firas Ahmed, CEO of the company and a number of officials. During the meeting, they reviewed the company's national labour recruitment policy and career development opportunities for Bahrainis, which are the two elements contributing to the company's job stability. His Excellency also met with a group of Bahraini employees and listened to their success stories in the company, which qualified them for career advancement and expressed his pride in those stories as they provide a model that should be emulated. Humaidan also called on employees to continue their efforts in self-development and work hard and discipline to improve their career productivity. During the visit, H.E. the Minister of Labour expressed his thanks and appreciation for the efforts of "Silah Gulf" in preparing and qualifying national workers. He also pointed to its contributions that made it one of the largest distinguished national enterprises in the success of the employment initiative, reflecting the effective partnership between the public and private sectors. Humaidan affirmed the government's support for national companies and their programs in attracting national cadres and qualifying them professionally and functionally, in support of the initiatives of the National Labour Market Plan (2021-2023). This is to make the citizen the first choice in the labour market and appreciated the contribution of "Silah Gulf" and its efforts in integrating national human resources into advanced training programs that keep pace with the labor market. The Minister of Labour stressed the importance of investing in the various opportunities offered by the government to the private sector in employing citizens and relying on the national workforce in managing the production wheel. This is in addition to the successful experiences of establishments that made Bahraini citizens the first choice when hiring and achieved positive results that contributed to their growth and development. He also highlighted the skills and work ethics of the Bahraini worker, his discipline and keenness to develop the facility in which he works. For his part, Mr. Al-Qaed and all the company's employees welcomed the visit of H. E. the Minister of Labour, praising the government's keenness to support national companies and motivate them to continue their efforts in preparing national cadres and rehabilitating them with the necessary technical skills to participate efficiently and effectively in the labour market and support the development process in line with the economic recovery plan, sustainable development goals and Bahrain's Economic Vision 2030. He pointed out that "Silah Gulf" is proud to be classified by the Ministry of Labor among the top five national establishments contributing to the success of the employment initiative under the economic recovery plan in 2022. In the same context, Mr. Firas stressed that "Silah Gulf" is continuing its national efforts, in partnership with the Ministry of Labour and government and private institutions, to discover more national talents, refine their skills and qualify them with advanced sciences and expertise in the communication and information technology sector. He highlighted the need on encouraging national talents to carry out their duties within the framework of commitment to the spirit of the Bahrain team and developing their capabilities to employ the latest technologies in the development of work. All these efforts will then contribute to raising the name of the Kingdom of Bahrain high in regional and international forums as a distinguished destination in customer experience, business outsourcing, attracting investments and supporting emerging and innovative projects. This visit comes within a series of visits by the Minister of Labour to companies contributing to the success of the employment initiative and within the implementation of the initiatives of the economic recovery plan. Under the priority of creating promising job opportunities and making the citizen the first choice in the labour market, which aims to employ 20,000 Bahrainis and train 10,000 Bahrainis annually until 2024. Silah Gulf is the leading provider of customer experience, outsourcing solutions for business, training, consulting, technology, and operation in most sectors of government, health, education, banking and finance, trade, tourism, travel and aviation.


  • 05-01-2023

Bahrain, Jordan sign memo to enhance cooperation in labour field


Manama, Jan. 5 (BNA): Minister of Labour Jameel bin Mohammed Ali Humaidan stressed the importance of exchanging visits in enhancing fraternal relations between the Kingdom of Bahrain and the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. He underscored the care and support accorded by His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa and Jordanian monarch His Majesty King Abdullah II bin Al-Hussain. This came during the signing of a memorandum of understanding to boost cooperation between both countries in the labour and training fields. It was signed by the Minister of Labour and his Jordanian counterpart Yousef Mahmoud Al-Shemali, the Chairman of the Social Security Corporation, on the sidelines of the official visit of Jordanian Prime Minister Dr. Bisher Al-Khasawneh to the Kingdom of Bahrain. AOQ ..


  • 05-01-2023

Executive, legislative branches hold third joint meeting


Manama, Jan.5 (BNA): The executive and legislative branches have today reached a consensus on the amendments priorities of the government program. This came during the third joint meeting which brought together the Parliamentary Committee in charge of studying the Government Programme and the government team. Council of Representatives Speaker Ahmed bin Salman Al Musallam and Deputy Prime Minister Shaikh Khalid bin Abdulla Al Khalifa co-chaired the session. The meeting was also attended by Finance and National Economy Minister Shaikh Salman bin Khalifa Al Khalifa, Labour Minister Jameel bin Mohammed Ali Humaidan, Parliament Minister Ghanim bin Fadhl Al Bouainain, Legal Affairs Minister Youssef bin Abdulla Khalaf, Health Minister Dr. Jaleela bint Al Sayyed Jawad Hasan, Justice, Islamic Affairs and Endowments Minister Nawaf bin Mohammed Al Maawda and Cavinet Affairs Minister Hamad bin Faisal Al Malki. Council of Representatives First Deputy Speaker Mp. Abdulnabi Salman and members of the Parliamentary Committee in charge of studying the Government Programme were also present. The Speaker highlighted the consensus on priorities aimed to enhance citizens' standard of living, stressed keenness of the Council of Representatives and the Government to meet needs and achieve national aspirations and goals in line with the directives of His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa. He lauded the efforts His Royal Highness Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, the Crown Prince and Prime Minister to support joint cooperation and achievements benefiting the nation and citizens. He pointed out that Bahraini citizens will always remain the focus of development and the pillar of national action, in order to create all opportunities and harness all potentials for the good and future of the Kingdom of Bahrain. The Deputy Prime Minister stressed the importance of enhancing joint work between the executive and legislative branches and building on coordination, which contributes to achieving the goals of the comprehensive development process led by His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa. He said that citizens represent the ultimate goal of all development projects, plans and initiatives, reiterating the Government's keenness on supporting joint cooperation with the legislative branch to move from the phase of recovery to that of sustainable growth.


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