The service of registering and addressing labor complaines for workers in private sector

investigates labor complaints submitted by workers in the private sector, and provides consensual and legal solutions to resolve the complaint between the worker and the facility in accordance with Labor Law No. (36) of 2021 and the resolutions regulating it.
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    5 Work Days
    No Fees

    1. The complainant must be on the job.
    2. That the complainant must be registered on the company with valid work permitt at the time of submitting the application.
    3. Completing all the required data.

  1. 1. Personal attendence.
  2. 2. Contact :17873637/17873919
  3. 3. Ministry of Labour website

    1. ID card of the worker (complainant).
    2. Employer's commercial registration number.
    3. Any supportive document.

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