Training Courses Record Service

This service is provided by the Ministry of Labor and Social Development to job seekers to view their records in training courses.
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    In order to accept admission to any of the training programs carried out by the Ministry in cooperation with the Labour Fund (Tamkeen), there are certain conditions determined for each training program, along with the qualifications of the job seeker. However, there are common requirements for all training programs, including:

    1. The applicant must be a Bahraini national.

    2. The applicant shall be registered in one of the governorates’ employment centres or the Ministry's Employment Services Office as a job seeker.

    3. The applicant shall not be under 18 years of age.

    4. The applicant shall have the required qualification specified for the training program.

  1. Enter the eService, the system will request the primary electronic key (eKey).

  2. Enter the primary electronic key (eKey).

  3. A list of your previous training courses will appear first.

  4. To move to the new registration requests for training courses, click on Training Registration at the top of the list.




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