Managing training opportunities Service

It is an on-the-job vocational training program related to a profession or a number of specific professions in public and private sector institutions and includes theoretical training if it is an apprenticeship program. The relationship between the employer and job seekers is organized through a training contract for periods that may reach a maximum of three years.
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    1. The institution must have an actual record with the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism.

    2. The institution must not have labour violations or in the field of occupational health and safety.

    3. The number of trainees on the job should not exceed 10% of the total workforce in the institution.

    4. The institution must allow field visits by the concerned department to follow up on the training process.

    5. The training period shall not be less than one month.

  1. Start the eService, the system will request a login using the commercial registration number and password.

  2. Enter the commercial registration number with the password to continue.

  3. Go to the training opportunities management page.

  4. Candidates will appear on your training courses, click on “View Candidates”.

  5. You can see the candidate information and click on the filter result to enter the results.

    The process of entering the training vacancy for the institution on the website of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development is carried out according to the following steps:

    1. Opening an account for the facility in the absence of an account.

    2. After obtaining approval for the training vacancy, you can view the candidates by logging into the facility's account on the ministry's website.

    3. Entering the training vacancy in the Training Opportunities Department.

    4. The employer chooses the candidates for training, with the necessity of entering the results of the interview for the candidates into the system.

    5. Fill out the training contract.

    6. Starting the training process.

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