Electronic Assessment for Job Seekers Service

It is one of the important tools that enable you to determine your correct career path, as it is an international assessment based on specific criteria developed by experts and specialists in the areas of psychological, behavioral and professional analysis. Moreover, this evaluation is not intended to achieve success or failure. Rather, it is a group of vital activities through which professionals can learn about your desires, inclinations, preparations and abilities. Therefore, business owners in most countries of the world trust and rely heavily on the results of these assessments. Evaluation objectives:- 1. Learn about your personal and professional preferences, desires and abilities. 2. The career counselor knows your desires and capabilities correctly, enabling him to help you choose a profession. 3. Determine the strengths you have in order to highlight and benefit from them in the job search process. 4. Help you identify the skills that need some development and reinforcement.
Launch eService

    1. The applicant must be a Bahraini national.

    2. The applicant must not be less than 18 years old.

  1. Log in to the electronic system and start the self-evaluation of the job seeker.

  2. Fill in the electronic evaluation fields.

  3. Press "Submit" when the evaluation is finished.

    Fill in the e-assessment service fields (job seekers) through a link  (Assessment)



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