Afternoon Work Ban begins on Thursday, 1st July

The implementation of ministerial edict No. 3 for 2013 on afternoon work ban in open spaces will be effective on Thursday 1st July 2021, from 12 noon until 4:00PM throughout the months of July and August. It aims to safeguard workers’ health and ensure their safety against occupational diseases and injuries particularly in the summer period, which witnesses soaring temperatures and high humidity. The Ministry of Labour and Social Development has launched field inspection campaigns at targeted sites to ensure complete compliance of the establishments with the provisions of the edict. The Labour and Social Development Ministry has called on employers, work site supervisors and safety and health engineers to reinstate and rehabilitate workers’ skills with all facilities that cater to their health, including first aid and adequate drinking-water and cold fluids, whilst fulfilling other procedures that are necessary to cope with the impacts of working under these difficult weather conditions.

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