Humaidan praised Bahrainisation in CrediMax

H.E. Mr. Jameel bin Mohammed Ali Humaidan, Minister of Labour, affirmed the government's interest in providing sustainable job opportunities for citizens in banking and financial institutions by qualifying them and providing them with professional skills. He also pointed out that the abundance of qualified national cadres in the field of financial and banking services has contributed to strengthening the position of the Kingdom of Bahrain as a leading financial and banking center in the region. This came in a statement by H.E. the Minister of Labour during his visit to CrediMax, a company specialised in issuing credit cards in the Kingdom of Bahrain, as part of a series of visits to companies and institutions supporting the ministry’s initiatives and programs in the field of employing national cadres. During this visit, he met with Mr. Ahmed Abdul Rahman Seyadi, CEO and a number of company officials. Humaidan was briefed on the company's strategy that supports the employment of national cadres, and that the company's Bahrainisation rate is 99. 1%, thus topping the list of distinguished establishments in the field of Bahrainisation. During the visit, the minister inspected various departments and sections and met with a number of working cadres, where he listened to their opinions and professional experiences. Humaidan praised the company's experience in relying on national elements, in addition to providing an attractive work environment it provides and promising opportunities for career advancement. He also indicated that Bahrain is full of banking and financial cadres that have contributed to the advancement of this sector, pointing to the ministry's persistence to train and qualify citizens in the financing field, which constitutes an important division in the national economy. In this regard, the Labour Minister praised the success stories achieved by Bahraini taskforce in the company and their career advancement. He stressed that experiences have proven that institutions and companies with high rates of Bahrainisation are among the best establishments that achieve high rates of productivity and profitability in various sectors. For his part, Seyadi stressed that the government's support for banking and financial institutions has contributed to the growth of this sector, which generates more quality jobs and attracts Bahraini youth, with rewarding wages and promising opportunities for professional advancement. On this occasion he referred to the programs and initiatives of the Ministry of Labour in the field of employment and rehabilitation of citizens, and the provision of many incentives such as wage support and specialised training for new entrants to the labour market.

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