Midday Work Ban Begins Saturday 1st July

The Kingdom of Bahrain will begin tomorrow, Saturday (July 1), the application of Resolution No. (3) of 2013 regarding the prohibition of noon work in open places between 12 noon and 4 pm during the months of July and August. The decision aims to strengthen the protection of workers from occupational diseases and injuries at a time when the country is witnessing high temperatures and increased humidity. According to plan, the Ministry of Labour has completed all its preparations to supervise the implementation of the decision. On this occasion, H.E. Mr. Jameel bin Mohammed Ali Humaidan, Minister of Labour, indicated the importance of applying the principles and requirements of occupational safety to enhance a productive, safe and work-free work environment. He also pointed out that the ministry's occupational safety inspection teams will embark on their field monitoring campaign with the implementation of the decision, to ensure that establishments comply with it. The minister called on employers to continue their annual commitment to implement the decision in order to preserve the safety and health of workers and to take all regulatory measures, including benefiting from the rescheduling of working hours in a way that does not affect the progress of their work, pointing to the humanitarian and economic dimensions of the decision. The ministerial decision on the prohibition of noon work stipulates that "anyone who violates the provisions of this decision shall be punished by the penalties stipulated in Article (192) of the Labour Law in the Private Sector promulgated by Law No. (36) of 2012, which stipulates that anyone who violates any of the provisions of Chapter (15) and the decisions issued in implementation thereof shall be punished by imprisonment for a period not exceeding three months and a fine of not less than BD500 and not more than BD1000, or one of these two penalties. "

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