Ministry of Labour and the Northern Governorate sponsor joint summer training program "Our Homeland & King Gather Us"

H.E. Mr. Jameel bin Mohammed Ali Humaidan, Minister of Labour, and Mr. Ali bin Al Sheikh Abdulhussein Al Asfoor, Governor of the Northern Governorate, attended on Tuesday, part of the joint training program organised by the Northern Governorate within its summer program “Our Homeland and King Gather Us". The program included the participation of (40) female students from the Northern Governorate to introduce them to the requirements of future jobs, in the main hall of the Ministry's building. The Northern Governorate organises a diverse summer program annually, and this year the program focuses on innovative ideas aimed at enriching the awareness of the participants through the adoption of awareness programs in line with the needs of the labour market and academic outcomes. It also includes many lectures, workshops, field visits and other events targeting youth in the Northern Governorate. In a speech to the students participating in the program, Humaidan praised this event, which is harmonious with the objectives of the Ministry of Labour in enhancing career guidance for students of all academic levels. It also contributes to knowing and developing their tendencies and abilities to choose the best academic specialisations in preparation for joining the labour market. For his part, Al Asfoor praised the community partnership between the Northern Governorate and the Ministry of Labour and their continuous cooperation in supporting programs aimed at integrating citizens into the labor market. He indicated that this induction program enhances the culture of vocational guidance and introduces students to qualitative and non-traditional jobs, specifically in the technical and technological disciplines needed by the labour market.

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