Bahrain's speech before the Arab Labor Conference in Cairo .. Humaidan: The importance of social dialogue in creating a stimulating environment and improving productivity

His Excellency Mr. Jameel bin Mohammed Ali Humaidan, Minister of Labour, affirmed that the Kingdom of Bahrain, under the leadership of His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, and the close follow-up of His Royal Highness Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, Crown Prince and Prime Minister, has paid increasing attention to upgrading the joint relationship with the production parties, and enhancing cooperation and social dialogue between the three production parties (government, employers and workers), creating an encouraging climate for work and development in the work environment. The minister pointed out that Bahrain is continuing its efforts to enhance the tripartite dialogue between the social partners, in light of the presence of labour unions and trade union organisations that carry out their activities freely and independently, with the presence of a private sector full of business owners and establishments that continuously contribute to supporting the elements of the national economy and raising productivity. This came in the speech delivered by Humaidan, head of the delegation of the Kingdom of Bahrain, before the 49th session of the Arab Labor Conference, which is held in the Arab Republic of Egypt from 22nd to 29th May 2023. HE the Minister of Labour pointed to the success of Bahrain's experience in providing an integrated system to enhance the protection of workers' rights and gains. Perhaps the results achieved in the field of confronting the effects of the Corona pandemic on the labor market are the best evidence of this success, through the implementation of health, financial and social support initiatives in addressing the pandemic. For precisely those reasons, Bahrain has become a role model in terms of labour market stability, safe unemployment rates, and maintaining a productive labour force away from the dangers of layoffs and job losses during difficult exceptional circumstances. In this context, Humaidan stressed that the government will continue to conduct a periodic review of the labor initiatives and legislation in force in order to keep pace with Arab and international standards and global developments in labour affairs. H.E. Minister of Labour Jameel bin Mohammed Ali Humaidan referred to the report of the Director-General of the Arab Labor Organization for the current session, "Social dialogue between present challenges and future prospects". Through this report, it is possible to come up with a number of decisions that would support sustainable economic growth and face global political, economic and technological challenges and events to enhance the ability of the economy and society to contain the variables resulting from various global crises and adapt to economic transformations in the interest of maintaining the growth and stability of labour markets.

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