Humaidan briefs Iraqi Labour Delegation on Bahrain's experience in union work

His Excellency the Minister of Labour, Mr. Jameel bin Mohammed Ali Humaidan, met with Mr. Sattar Danbous Barrak, President of the General Federation of Trade Unions in Iraq, and his accompanying delegation, on Thursday, in his office at the ministry. This was in the presence of the Chairman of the Executive Council of Bahrain Free labour Unions Federation, Mr. Yaqoob Yusef Mohammed. Humaidan stressed the importance of such visits to exchange experiences and benefit from experiences between brotherly Arab countries, including the Republic of Iraq. The minister also pointed to the keenness of the Kingdom of Bahrain and its labour organisations to review the qualitative initiatives in the field of trade union work in other countries, as well as coordination when participating in Arab and international forums to enhance positive cooperation between the production parties. HE the Minister also briefed the Iraqi trade union delegation on the latest developments in the labour market in the Kingdom of Bahrain, and the most important achievements at the labour level. Among other things, he focused on efforts to develop social dialogue and promote the principles of independent trade union work and the gains made for workers in light of the comprehensive development process of His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa. In this context, Humaidan stressed the government's keenness to support workers' organizations to perform their duty to defend the interests and rights of the workforce. Not to mention, when workers get any gain, it will reflect positively on the work environment, develop it, improve productivity levels, and support the economy in general. For his part, Mr. Sattar Dandous Barrak praised the experience of the Kingdom of Bahrain in developing the labour market system, as it is considered one of the pioneering experiences. He also affirmed the support of the General Federation of Trade Unions in Iraq for the efforts and cooperation of workers in the Arab world between trade union organizations in order to enrich the experiences of workers professionally, increase production and upgrade the constructive relationship between the three production parties in order to enhance the stability of labour markets and the development and prosperity of our Arab societies.

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