On the occasion of International Women's Day ... Humaidan: Worldwide ovation for labour law amendments in support of working women

The International Labour Organization (ILO) praised the Kingdom of Bahrain's contribution to gender equality in the labour market by strengthening joint efforts and developing national legislation related to equal opportunities and treatment between men and women. This international praise came thanks to the unlimited support of His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, and in light of the sound policies and decisions of the government, headed by His Royal Highness Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, Crown Prince and Prime Minister, and the efforts and initiatives of Her Royal Highness Princess Sabeeka bint Ibrahim Al Khalifa, wife of His Majesty the King and President of the Supreme Council for Women, which provided Bahraini women the opportunity to exercise their active role in the construction and development movement, locally, regionally and internationally. His Excellency Mr. Jameel bin Mohammed Ali Humaidan, Minister of Labour, said that the Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations of the International Labour Organization (ILO) has expressed its interest in the progress made in the Kingdom of Bahrain through the Committee's recently issued report, which will be presented at the 111th session of the International Labour Conference to be held in Geneva in June 2023. The report referred to the executive measures taken by the Kingdom of Bahrain in the field of developing its national legislation to enhance the status of women in the labor market. Foremost among these are the articles added to the Labour Law in the private sector, which prohibit wage discrimination between male and female workers for work of equal value, as well as lifting restrictions on women's night work and allowing them to be employed in all professions and economic and productive sectors. This came in a statement by His Excellency the Minister of Labour on the occasion of International Women's Day, which falls on the 8th of March of each year. This year's theme is "DigitALL Engaging All: Innovation and Technology for Gender Equality", with the aim of empowering women to participate in decision-making for sustainable development and social equality. Humaidan praised the title of this year's celebration 2023, pointing out that Bahrain has implemented many initiatives and projects with the aim of contributing to the rehabilitation of Bahraini women and developing their necessary digital skills. All these initiatives have enhanced women's access to jobs in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) and other areas of artificial intelligence. The minister indicated that engaging women in technology contributed to more creative solutions, and greater potential for innovations that meet their needs and promote gender equality. In this context, he saluted the role of the Supreme Council for Women, chaired by Her Royal Highness the King's wife, in achieving many achievements and gains for Bahraini women, empowering them, as well as proving their capabilities in economic, political and community participation, and consolidating the principles of equal opportunities in various fields. He also affirmed the keenness and interest of the Ministry of Labour in strengthening the partnership with the Supreme Council for Women, to achieve more achievements in the field of qualifying and employing Bahraini women and integrating them into the labour market. His Excellency the Minister of Labour highlighted that the government's initiatives contributed to raising the percentage of female employment to 41% of the total employment in 2022 compared to 34% in 2020. These results came through the introduction of remote work and part-time work for females, including their inclusion in wage subsidy programs, labor laws and social insurance, and marketing campaigns with employers to obtain suitable vacancies for females, especially university women. He pointed out that Bahraini women constitute 54% of the total employees in the public sector, 35% in the private sector, and constitute 39% of the total national workforce in 2022. The Bahraini university women constituted 55% of the total university employees in the private sector in 2022.

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