Best Achievements of Labour Ministry in 2022

The Ministry of Labour continued its efforts in 2022 to accelerate the pace of employment in the private sector and promote an attractive and safe work environment, thanks to the support of His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa and under the royal directives and prudent approaches of the government, led by His Royal Highness Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, Crown Prince and Prime Minister. This support has had an impact on the achievement of many achievements related to the employment and rehabilitation of nationals, not to mention reinforcing the stability of national employment in various private sector establishments, formulation of legislation and labour laws and social support for job seekers. Highlights of 2022: In the second year in a row, the Ministry of Labour implemented the initiatives of the National Labour Market Plan (2021-2023), which focuses on creating promising job opportunities and making the citizen the first choice in the labour market. It also aims to employ 20,000 Bahrainis and train 10,000 Bahrainis annually until 2024, as part of the economic recovery plan. In cooperation with private sector establishments, the ministry was able to achieve about 150% of the employment plan scheduled for 2022, by employing (29,995) Bahrainis in the private sector. The contributions of the e-Career Exhibition, which was launched on the ministry’s website (, proved to accelerate the pace of employment and make career options open to employers to choose what suits them from the national workforce. In addition, the broad set of jobs’ choices offered to the job seeker also helps him/her to select the job that suits his/her qualifications and abilities and to communicate directly with the establishments in which he/she wishes to work, which happens all under the direct supervision of the ministry. Compensation and Unemployment Support: The unemployment insurance system provides social protection to job seekers, or unemployment compensation for those who have been dismissed from their jobs. This system provides social protection for workers and job seekers through financial support during the period of unemployment. The number of beneficiaries of job seekers entitled to unemployment benefit and compensation reached about 29,000 beneficiaries after removing the repeated names from the monthly lists. The compensation and unemployment support e-services that are provided through the website of the ministry (www. mlsd. gov. bh), are represented via the service of updating data for job seekers and registering those dismissed from their jobs for reasons beyond their control in the compensation system. It also provides other services such as registering recurring claims for unemployment benefit and submitting grievances, inquiries, and complaints about unemployment. The system presentation also provides detailed data of the beneficiary of compensation and unemployment benefit services. Rehabilitation and Training: The Ministry of Labour seeks to provide and develop a number of training programs according to the needs and requirements of the labour market that target job seekers registered with the Employment Department, whether they are graduates of secondary schools or universities, and for various professional, technical and specialised levels. Accordingly, a training plan has been prepared, which is aimed at raising the efficiency of job seekers, developing their abilities and skills, and rehabilitating them to engage in the labour market. The total number of beneficiaries of the training programs reached (10,281) job seekers in various training programs. The ministry also implements several training programs aimed at rehabilitating national cadres to facilitate their integration into private sector establishments. Among these programs are the Training and Rehabilitation of National Workforce Program (Tamheed), which provides a number of training and professional programs, and the Training with Employment Guarantee Program (Daman), which aims to employ nationals in the private sector, and training institutes and centres, in cooperation with employers, provide them with jobs under the supervision of the Ministry of Labour. The On-the-Job Training Program (Apprenticeship - Foras) also aims to support and develop Bahraini youth and provide them with the opportunity to acquire experiences and skills that contribute to accelerating their entry into the labour market. Training Centres and Institutes: The year 2022 witnessed a development in the approaches and procedures of education and training, by using dual training and the integration of distance education techniques with face-to-face education, which helped in adapting technology in training and developing human resources. The training sector continued to grow, as the number of licensed private training centres and institutes supervised by the ministry reached (82) institutions, including (13) vocational and technical centres and (69) administrative and commercial centres and institutes, while the licenses of (10) other institutions were revoked. The number of licensed programs for private training institutions reached (491) training programs in several training fields, of which (262) are local programs and (229) programs issued by international bodies. Meanwhile, around (289) licenses were granted to members of the administrative, training, and technical staff in various fields for various training institutions. Labour Disputes Settlement Bureau: The total number of amicable settlements registered by the Individual Labour Disputes Settlement Bureau at the ministry reached (2,610) amicable settlement requests of various kinds. Of these cases, (1,366) amicable settlements were resolved at the ministry, while the amicable settlements that were kept at the ministry amounted to (612) requests, while labour consultations amounted to about (6,400) disputes. The number of responses to legal inquiries in writing reached (159) ripostes, while the responses to legal inquiries by telephone amounted to (4,400) ripostes. Labour Inspection: Within the framework of the ministry’s keenness to ensure that establishments comply with the labour law in the private sector to protect workers' rights and provide a safe and stable work environment and fair working conditions through its legislative and supervisory tools, the official inspectors conducted (2,587) inspection visits to establishments comprising of (168,386) workers. The inspection campaigns indicated that the number of national workers who were inspected reached (84,845) workers, contrasted with (401,135) foreign workers, while the inspection campaigns resulted in the release of (61) violations and warnings. The virtual inspection program was introduced in 2022, which focuses on comprehensive inspection for all economic sectors in Bahrain, and the number of establishments covered through the program reached (602) establishments. Around six workshops were also carried out to spread the culture of awareness and promote awareness of the labour law and its stipulations. Boosting Occupational Safety: Efforts of the ministry to boost occupational safety have been prompted by carefully monitoring the commitment of establishments to the necessary precautions to protect workers from job hazards and provide a safe environment at work sites as well as ensure suitable labour accommodations. This was done through (820) inspection visits conducted to work sites and workers' accommodation. Summer work ban: In implementation of Ministerial Resolution No. (3) of 2013 regarding the prohibition of working under direct sunlight in July and August to protect workers from heat stress and heat stroke, the number of visits made by the ministry’s inspectors had reached (19,841). The percentage of compliance of establishments with the implementation of the decision in 2022 was 99. 87%, while the number of violating establishments decreased to (27) only. These campaigns had resulted in the violation of (52) workers only. To download "Best Achievements of Labour Ministry in 2022" in (PDF) format, click here

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