Minister of Labour praises the efforts of Bahrain Commercial Facilities Company in attracting national labour

H.E. Minister of Labour Jameel bin Mohammed Ali Humaidan stressed the need to invest in the national element, in addition to the importance of employers making use of the benefits and incentives provided by the government to the private sector, including subsidising the wages of citizens and providing them with free training. His Excellency also pointed out that the united approach of the relevant authorities in employing Bahraini youth is a shared social responsibility, as it contributes to high employment rates and enhancing social security. This came during the visit of the Minister of Labour to Bahrain Commercial Facilities Company (BSC), where he met with Mr. Abdulrahman Fakhro, Chairman of the Board of Directors, Mr. Abdulla Bukhowa, CEO and a number of officials of the company. This gesture also comes within the framework of a series of visits made by His Excellency to companies and institutions supporting the ministry’s initiatives and programs in the field of employing national cadres, notably in relation to the National Employment Program within the economic recovery plan, which prioritises creating promising job opportunities and making citizens the first choice in the labour market. The plan aims to employ 20,000 Bahrainis and train 10,000 Bahrainis annually until 2024. During the visit, Humaidan was briefed on the efforts of BSC in implementing its plans to recruit and attract national workers in its various departments and divisions. His Excellency was also briefed on the company's role in enhancing an attractive and productive work environment by providing the needs of its employees and empowering them professionally to ensure job stability, as well as the company's interest in employing Bahraini women. This visit demonstrated the company's keenness to attract skilled Bahraini talent and make them the first choice for recruitment. All this is evident through the high percentage of national labour in the company, which supports all its stimulating and attractive work base. H. E. the Minister also met with a number of Bahrainis working for the company, and listened to their experiences, professional successes and career ladder until they reached executive positions in the company. In this context, Humaidan stressed the need to highlight these role models, which have proven through their dedication the productive ability of Bahraini youth to work in various administrative and supervisory positions in private sector establishments. For his part, Mr. Abdulla Bukhowa, CEO of Bahrain Commercial Facilities Company, stressed that the company has a great desire to attract Bahraini talent to work for it and to provide them with a suitable work environment and is keen to ensure their job stability. Bukhowa also pointed out that the percentage of Bahraini employees in the company is 94. 5% of the total workforce. Bukhowa pointed to the company's strategy in training its cadres and continuing their professional development, including supporting them to complete university studies and providing them with specialized qualitative training. In this context, he expressed his appreciation for the efforts of the Ministry of Labour to provide qualified national competencies. The CEO looks forward to further joint cooperation by supporting employment and training initiatives and programs implemented by the Ministry of Labour.

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