24 Bahrainis signed employment contracts with Ansar Gallery

Contracts were signed at the Ministry of Labour for (24) Bahrainis of both sexes to work at Ansar Gallery Company, in a number of administrative and technical jobs, in the presence of Mr. Jameel bin Mohammed Ali Humaidan, Minister of Labour. On this occasion, Humaidan stressed that the Ministry of Labour continues to use all economic and commercial sectors to integrate Bahraini citizens into the labour market. His Excellency added that the ministry provides them with the necessary vocational training to enable them to move up the career ladder in various productive sectors, including the retail sector, which provides many technical and administrative jobs. Humaidan called on the new recruits to gain experience and perfect their professional skills for career advancement, which affords them the opportunity to be among the successful stories of the national workforce. Mr. Mohammed Musaad Habib, Deputy General Manager of Ansar Gallery, expressed his thanks and appreciation for the cooperation provided by the Ministry of Labour to the company by providing qualified Bahraini cadres to fill administrative and technical positions. He stressed that all those who signed employment contracts were among the lists of job seekers at the ministry, pointing out that the company has the readiness to provide opportunities for advancement in the career ladder for Bahraini citizens. In this context, the Deputy Director General praised the plans of the Ministry of Labour in training and qualifying job seekers, which contribute to providing the labour market with national competencies.

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