Humaidan briefs MP Al-Rumaihi on the ministry’s initiatives in the field of labour service

H.E. Mr. Jameel bin Mohammed Ali Humaidan, Minister of Labour, met in his office at the Ministry with MP Abdulla Khalifa Al Rumaihi, Member of the House of Representatives. During the meeting, Humaidan briefed MP Al-Rumaihi on the latest developments in the implementation of the ministry's initiatives and projects in the field of enhancing the rehabilitation and integration of citizens looking for work in private sector establishments, and maintaining their stability and progress. The minister also focused on the importance of continuing to create a healthy work environment, which is based on the foundations of dialogue and fruitful cooperation between the production parties. In the same context, they discussed the effective role played by the members of the Shura Council and the Council of Representatives in developing national legislation related to the ministry’s work area, and keenness to achieve the desired sustainable development goals for all categories and citizens.

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