Minister of Labour: Continue to support establishments that attract national labour

Employment contracts for 28 Bahrainis registered in the job seeker’s lists were signed today with Haj Hassan Group in the presence of H. E. Mr. Jameel bin Mohammed Ali Humaidan, Minister of Labour, as part of the employment initiative within the economic recovery plan, which enhances joint cooperation between the Ministry of Labour and the private sector to employ Bahraini nationals in various productive sectors. This initiative comes within the first phase of the company's plan for the current year, to raise its Bahrainisation rates through a plan to employ 45 citizens in specialised jobs and technology during the year 2023, and work on training and developing them professionally to provide them with the necessary skills. It is worth noting that the plan in its second phase will focus on employing nationals in specialized and administrative jobs. During his meeting with the citizens who signed the employment contracts, Humaidan expressed his pride in the performance of the national forces in private sector and their effective contribution to providing high-quality productivity, which helps a lot in raising and continuing development in the Kingdom. The minister also pointed out the importance of perseverance and commitment to the values of work and job stability, which are considered necessary for empowering career progression. His Excellency then expressed his appreciation and gratitude to Haji Hassan Group of Companies for its employment of Bahrainis and for achieving positive rates in the Bahrainization of jobs. Furthermore, he emphasized the commitment of the government to continue its support to the programs of national companies, which focus on attracting national cadres and qualifying them professionally and functionally, in order to accentuate the employment initiatives within the economic recovery plan and make citizens the first choice in the labour market. For his part, Mr. Maitham Omran, Director of Human Resources at Haji Hassan, confirmed that the group is keen to benefit from Bahraini human resources in its various branches. Omran also pointed out that the group employed 60 Bahrainis during the year 2022 out of a total of 289 Bahrainis. The company's director explained that the group's policy is to strengthen its staff with national cadres, referring to the support that the private sector enjoys from the government in order to achieve the goals of sustaining stability in the labour market in the Kingdom of Bahrain.

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