Humaidan: Partnership with the private sector contributed to the success of employment programs & proud of the career advancement of the national forces in the company

H.E. Mr. Jameel bin Mohammed Ali Humaidan, Minister of Labour, visited Silah Gulf, a provider of customer experience and outsourcing solutions, which ranked fifth among the top 10 establishments that contributed to the employment of nationals during the year 2022, with a high Bahrainisation rate of more than 81%, where 215 Bahraini nationals were employed out of a total of 539 Bahrainis working for the company. H. E. the Minister held a meeting with Mr. Mohamed Ali Al Qaed, CEO of the Information & eGovernment Authority and Chairman of the Board of Directors of the company, along with Mr. Firas Ahmed, CEO of the company and a number of officials. During the meeting, they reviewed the company's national labour recruitment policy and career development opportunities for Bahrainis, which are the two elements contributing to the company's job stability. His Excellency also met with a group of Bahraini employees and listened to their success stories in the company, which qualified them for career advancement and expressed his pride in those stories as they provide a model that should be emulated. Humaidan also called on employees to continue their efforts in self-development and work hard and discipline to improve their career productivity. During the visit, H.E. the Minister of Labour expressed his thanks and appreciation for the efforts of "Silah Gulf" in preparing and qualifying national workers. He also pointed to its contributions that made it one of the largest distinguished national enterprises in the success of the employment initiative, reflecting the effective partnership between the public and private sectors. Humaidan affirmed the government's support for national companies and their programs in attracting national cadres and qualifying them professionally and functionally, in support of the initiatives of the National Labour Market Plan (2021-2023). This is to make the citizen the first choice in the labour market and appreciated the contribution of "Silah Gulf" and its efforts in integrating national human resources into advanced training programs that keep pace with the labor market. The Minister of Labour stressed the importance of investing in the various opportunities offered by the government to the private sector in employing citizens and relying on the national workforce in managing the production wheel. This is in addition to the successful experiences of establishments that made Bahraini citizens the first choice when hiring and achieved positive results that contributed to their growth and development. He also highlighted the skills and work ethics of the Bahraini worker, his discipline and keenness to develop the facility in which he works. For his part, Mr. Al-Qaed and all the company's employees welcomed the visit of H. E. the Minister of Labour, praising the government's keenness to support national companies and motivate them to continue their efforts in preparing national cadres and rehabilitating them with the necessary technical skills to participate efficiently and effectively in the labour market and support the development process in line with the economic recovery plan, sustainable development goals and Bahrain's Economic Vision 2030. He pointed out that "Silah Gulf" is proud to be classified by the Ministry of Labor among the top five national establishments contributing to the success of the employment initiative under the economic recovery plan in 2022. In the same context, Mr. Firas stressed that "Silah Gulf" is continuing its national efforts, in partnership with the Ministry of Labour and government and private institutions, to discover more national talents, refine their skills and qualify them with advanced sciences and expertise in the communication and information technology sector. He highlighted the need on encouraging national talents to carry out their duties within the framework of commitment to the spirit of the Bahrain team and developing their capabilities to employ the latest technologies in the development of work. All these efforts will then contribute to raising the name of the Kingdom of Bahrain high in regional and international forums as a distinguished destination in customer experience, business outsourcing, attracting investments and supporting emerging and innovative projects. This visit comes within a series of visits by the Minister of Labour to companies contributing to the success of the employment initiative and within the implementation of the initiatives of the economic recovery plan. Under the priority of creating promising job opportunities and making the citizen the first choice in the labour market, which aims to employ 20,000 Bahrainis and train 10,000 Bahrainis annually until 2024. Silah Gulf is the leading provider of customer experience, outsourcing solutions for business, training, consulting, technology, and operation in most sectors of government, health, education, banking and finance, trade, tourism, travel and aviation.

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