Community Partnership Program

The Ministry of Labour affirmed, in its new approach, the importance of community partnership among civil society organizations and the private sector in accordance with the requirements of local, regional and international transformations and changes as well as the national economic strategy of 2013.   Community partnership requires a vision and mechanism based on rules of mutual understanding among all sectors and thus, achieving positive impact, a process that is based on legislation and legal references working in accordance with the work disciplines that organize the relationship among these parties in facilitating activities, programs and plans.

Community relationship areas:
  1. Family programs, guidance, family guidance and community awareness.
  2. Providing decent work for all.
  3. The field of foreign worker protection.
  4. Providing safety and security for all workers.

Why community partnership commission?
  • To establish and strengthen the new approach of the Ministry calling for interaction and communication between the governmental, private and private sectors in bringing about the comprehensive development process in a way that deepens the mutual trust between these sectors.
  • To create interactive environment based on legal and legislative frameworks to promote community partnership approach.
  • Allow the civil societies including non-governmental and private organizations to become closer to the various segments of society and to provide services and initiatives to tackle the gaps.
  • To broaden the base of actors in the community without relying on unilateral societal work, thus leading to the rule of a real partnership based on transparency and mutual respect.

Partnership Stakeholders

A partnership between the Ministry of Labour and each of the following: -

  1. The private sector: A contract is made according to the commercial register that allows these institutions to work in the fields of social work.
  2. Job seekers training.
  3. National Labour Market Observatory Project.
  4. National Professional Standards Project.
  5. Collaboration with Tamkeen

Community partnership reference

It is considered a community partnership committee on which a decision is issued for it by the Minister of Labour . It is also considered the technical and legal reference that exercises its functions and has relations with the higher management and the various sectors of the Ministry.

Tasks of Community Partnership Committee:
  • Preparing a community partnership policy.
  • Studying the plans, programs and requests related to the partnership with identifying mechanisms and following up on their implementation and monitoring and evaluating the level of performance.
  • Review the contracts and agreements concluded by the Ministry with the parties of the partnership and verify the level of achievement.
  • Communicating with government agencies and civil society organizations and working to establish true partnership with these parties.
  • Presenting proposals, facilities and opinions that ensure the development and evaluation of the performance level of the partnership.
  • Submit reports to the Ministry’s Higher Committee, discuss it, and implement the directives and decisions issued by it regarding community partnership.
  • Preparing a guidebook on administrative, financial, technical and legal procedures for contracting with partners.
  • Proposing studies and preparing reports that support the capabilities contained in the field of community partnership.

Defining areas of community partnership:
  1. Activities that comply with the Ministry’s policies in community partnership.
  2. The concerned department prepares the terms of reference for the project concerned with the partnership, which is approved by the Finance and Human Resources Department.
  3. The Tender Committee announces its projects and programs that the partnership wishes to advertise in the local newspapers for public tender or invite companies and institutions to enter into the limited tender.
  4. The concerned parties submit their bids according to the announcement invitation regarding the offered tenders.
  5. The Tender Committee studies the financial and technical evaluation of the bids submitted for the partnership and privatization programs and meets with the Partnership Committee in order to discuss submitting its reports to His Excellency the Minister for approval.
  6. Contracts are made between the ministry’s sectors according to the terms of reference of each sector with the institutions and associations with which the partnership is approved through the Financial Resource Department after being authorized by the Tender Committee Chairman.
  7. Coordination is made between the Communications Department and the Partnership Committee to assume responsibility for advertising projects and programs.
  8. Legal Affairs finalize the contracting procedures to be approved by the senior management.
  9. The ministry’s Legal Affairs provides final contract approval.
  10. The sector concerned with the tenders in the ministry is the one that signs the contract.

Content Last Updated: 05 Jun, 2023

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